joi, aprilie 29, 2010

KLM Economy Comfort Campaign at Manchester Airport T2

For a comfort commercial that sure doesn't look comfortable.

Nokia N8 noul flagship

Nokia N8 sample video from Nokia Conversations on Vimeo.

Aceasta este un video facut cu telefonul Nokia N8.

Mai multe informatii:

miercuri, aprilie 28, 2010

Elicopterul inghetat

Camera shutter speed synchronized with helicopter blade frequency

Fairlight Cncd Agenda Circling Forth Breakpoint 2010

In caz ca va intrebati acesta e un Demo care ruleaza in realtime dar este necesar un calculator foarte puternic.

Link catre programul asta: (nu e vina nimanui daca va topeste calculatorul)

Mai multe despre Demouri:

marți, aprilie 27, 2010

luni, aprilie 26, 2010

the magical inner sanctum of Blizzard

Blizzard's library isn't just filled with books; there are entire sections dedicated to video games. The collection can be browsed electronically from the desk of every employee on campus, and a full-time librarian is on hand to help you find what you need.

Tot articolul:

sâmbătă, aprilie 24, 2010

19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know

Keyboard Shortcuts for Committed Mouse Abolitionists
Master Your New Font Manager
Launch Games with Keystrokes
Burn a Spittin' Image
Become More Wordly with Hidden Wallpapers
Take Control of UAC
Calculate Your Mortgage and Other Math Tricks
Reveal All of Your Drives
Use Devices and Printers to Quickly Dig into Hardware
Calibrate Your Notebook's Text and Color
Control AutoPlay Settings Like a Megalomaniacal Tyrant
Solve External Hard Drive Hassles with Convert.exe
Convert WMC Recordings for Use with Vista and XP
Command Windows 7 to Generate an Energy Report
Cling (Desperately) to Vista's Taskbar
Exile Programs to the System Tray
Manage Your Jump Lists
Organize Your Taskbar and System Tray
Accelerate Your Start Menu
Arrange Files by Type, Month, Artist, and Other Options
Pin Folders to Favorites and Start Menu
How to load Windows 7 onto a bootable USB key

Tot articolul:

Urangutani mai productivi ca tine

Earthships - case pasive

Le-am vazut la discovery. Din pacate nu este documentarul de pe discovery dar este o prezentare buna:

Mai multe:
Earthships 101 (au un intreg canal de youtube dedicat):

Shell Helix Ultra Transparent Car +The Making Of

Au folosit un Nissan 370Z

vineri, aprilie 23, 2010

Fructe vazute la rezonanta magnetica (MRI)



si in 3d:



Starcraft 2 Dance Party

Acum ca s-a lansat si editorul o sa vedem multe.

joi, aprilie 22, 2010

duminică, aprilie 18, 2010

Synergy - lucreaza pe 2 calculatoare ca si cu 2 monitoare

Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems, each with its own display, without special hardware. It's intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own monitor(s).

Redirecting the mouse and keyboard is as simple as moving the mouse off the edge of your screen. Synergy also merges the clipboards of all the systems into one, allowing cut-and-paste between systems. Furthermore, it synchronizes screen savers so they all start and stop together and, if screen locking is enabled, only one screen requires a password to unlock them all. Learn more about how it works.

Mai multi dintre voi m-ati intrebat daca exista vreun soft care sa permita lucrul simultan la 2 calculatoare cu un singur set tastatura+mouse. That's what Synergy does!

Pagina proiectului:

Stop that octopus!

miercuri, aprilie 14, 2010

Journeys to the International Space Station

A Russian Orthodox priest blesses the Soyuz TMA-18 spacecraft at Baikonur Cosmodrome on April 1, 2010. (VYACHESLAV OSELEDKO/AFP/Getty Images)

Galerie completa:

In sfarsit o utilizare pt iPad

marți, aprilie 13, 2010

Canon 5D Mark II used to shoot entire House season finale

May 17, folks. That's the date when the grumpy doctor you wish you were and the snazzy camera you wish you owned will join forces on American network television. The final episode in this season's run of House has been shot exclusively using Canon's 5D Mark II, and the show's director Greg Yaitanes has been taking questions about the experience on Twitter. PetaPixel have helpfully collated the Q&A session into a coherent pseudo-interview, which you'll be able to find at the source below.



How to negotiate with a baboon

Cunosc oameni care se comporta exact asa.

luni, aprilie 12, 2010

“Change the numbers, but don’t change the conclusion.” - data faking la nivelul miliardelor de dolari

What I could not get my head around was having to force-fit analysis to a conclusion. In one case, the question I was tasked with solving had a clear and unambiguous answer: By my estimate, the client’s plan of action had a net present discounted value of negative one billion dollars. Even after accounting for some degree of error in my reckoning, I could still be sure that theirs was a losing proposition. But the client did not want analysis that contradicted their own, and my manager told me plainly that it was not our place to question what the client wanted.

In theory, it was their money to lose. If they wanted a consulting report that parroted back their pre-determined conclusion, who was I to complain? I did not have any right to dictate that their money be spent differently.

Povestea unui analist/consultant de la BCG care descrie cum se iau deciziile prin ghicire la nivelul cel mai inalt al economiei. Totul este "din burta".

Tot articolul: Story BCG offerd me $16000 not to tell)

Places where you're not

Ferma asta se pare ca este localizata in Italia:,+11.725802421569824%29

Hai sa mergem :)


vineri, aprilie 09, 2010

Automatic reshaping of human bodies

De data asta nu e un feature din CS5 dar Adobe i-a tintit si pe astia

Terraform Sculpture

Each of the pieces you see here are made of concrete and moss, two of my most favorite natural elements! Hooray! Take a peek through the gallery of his works below, and if you ever meet Robert Cannon, be sure to tell him I’d like one of the giant hands please thanks!

Just add water - what is life?

miercuri, aprilie 07, 2010

Doctoranzi în foame

Paşte înfometat pentru mii de doctoranzi care au fost păcăliţi că vor primi fonduri europene, ca să facă cercetare în România. Bursele doctorale din fonduri UE au intrat, parcă, în pământ. Universităţile dau din umeri pentru că n-au bani iar autorităţile dau asigurări ca...s-a rezolvat. Iar doctoranzii fac cercetare în a învăţa.....cum să supravieţuieşti fără un leu.

In plus de asta n-au taiat si asigurarile medicale.

Reportaj Video:

marți, aprilie 06, 2010

luni, aprilie 05, 2010

sâmbătă, aprilie 03, 2010

Quick and dirty introduction to photography lighting

Once you feel you’ve started to get the knack of pointing your camera at things and clicking the button, it’s time to start taking control of all the lighting in the scene. But, as it turns out, that’s bloody tricky.

vineri, aprilie 02, 2010

joi, aprilie 01, 2010

Screaming contest

Half-Life Pirate Style

LOST Alarm Clock

De la thinkgeek. Produsul lor de 1 aprilie de anul trecut a ajuns sa fie produs pana la urma asa ca poate si asta vine

3D video fara ochelari

Folosing the twitch effect:

Acelasi principiu ca in giful acela cu un dinozaur:

(daca vi se face rau don't blame me :P )