miercuri, septembrie 30, 2009

luni, septembrie 28, 2009

sâmbătă, septembrie 26, 2009

Interviu cu Wolfram

By now you’ve surely heard of Wolfram|Alpha, a “computational knowledge engine” which aims to take any and all systematic factual information and allow you to compute with it. Recently, RevisingMRI sat down with Wolfram|Alpha for an interview about MRI. Every answer is a genuine reply from Wolfram|Alpha (links are provided).

RevisingMRI: Good morning.

Wolfram|Alpha: Hello, human.

RevisingMRI: Pardon? Are you an alien?

Wolfram|Alpha: No I’m not.

RevisingMRI: What are you?

Wolfram|Alpha: I am a computational knowledge engine.

Tot interviul: http://www.revisemri.com/blog/2009/an-interview-with-wolframalpha/

Bloc din lemn - Murray Grove

We have recently completed a new nine-storey residential building in Hackney, providing both private and affordable housing. Constructed entirely in timber, Murray Grove is the tallest modern timber residential building in the world.

The building has been designed using a cross-laminated timber panel system. The system has been pioneered by manufacturers KLH of Austria and is akin to jumbo plywood, arriving on site in panels up to 9m in length. This will be the first building in the world of this height to construct not only load-bearing walls and floor slabs but also stair and lift cores entirely from timber.

Each of the panels is prefabricated including cutouts for windows and doors. As the panels arrive on site they are immediately craned into position, dramatically reducing the time on site. The entire nine-story structure will be up and built within nine weeks.

Arhitect: http://www.waughthistleton.com/project.php?name=murray&img=1
Mai multe: http://www.yankodesign.com/2007/06/18/timber-tower-tallest-timber-residential-building-in-the-world/

vineri, septembrie 25, 2009

Statuile de la universitate

(click pt a mari)

Astazi statuile de la universitate au fost dotate cu masti de gaze. Nu pentru ca s-ar fi impartit ciorba de fasole gratis acolo ci datorita calitatii incontestabile a aerului bucurestean. Cine are informatii despre aceasta campanie sa posteze in comentarii ca sa aflam toti.

Poze facute de David.
Thanks Dave!

Google Earth - urmatorul pas

Mai multe: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17854-live-video-makes-google-earth-cities-bustle.html

joi, septembrie 24, 2009

Schior in avalansa

Acest video este socant! In plus este ne-editat. Da... supravietuieste.

Avalanche Skier POV Helmet Cam Burial & Rescue in Haines, Alaska from Chappy on Vimeo.

The guy in the video was the first one to drop from their group and while not a guide (he was going tail-gunner style), had a lot of Utah and AK backcountry experience. He had a Black Diamond Avalung on, but as you can tell from the video while he's talking as he's dropping in, it wasn't in his mouth to start. He tried to shove it in the instant of starting to get sucked down, but it didn't stay. It was just off to the corner of his mouth he said, and he definitely got snow / ice build up as you'll see on the second sweep of the mouth by the guide after they get to him.

This was a decent sized avalanche. 1,500 feet the dude fell in a little over 20 seconds. The crown was about 1 - 1.5m. The chute that he got sucked through to the skier's right was flanked on either side by cliff bands that were about 30m tall. He luckily didn't break any bones and obviously didn't hit anything on the run out.

100 de ani de transport public in Bucuresti

Cu ocazia Zilelor Bucurestiului din 2009, cand am implinit 550 de ani de atestare documentara, s-a mai sarbatorit ceva important: 100 de ani de transport in comun in capitala, moment celebrat de RATB cu o caravana de tramvaie cu cai si alti batranei de expozitie. Din pacate noi am ratat momentul caravanei (poate si voi?), si ne-a parut asa de rau, incat ne-am gandit sa dam o tura prin ultimii 100 de ani de transport public in Bucuresti.

Articolul complet: http://metropotam.ro/D-ale-Bucurestilor/2009/09/art3557927117-Transport-public-retro-in-Bucuresti-100-de-ani-de-RATB/

Atentie! Ultimul avertisment!

(click pt mai mare)

The human synthesizer

Reclama cu tupeu

Nu este ca si cum au nevoie de reclama. Se fabrica doar 20 si proabil deja sunt inundati de comenzi. Este doar tupeu... distilat si pur... servit intr-un pahar de cristal.

marți, septembrie 22, 2009

Noul sezon House (sezonul 6)

A inceput!

luni, septembrie 21, 2009

Coca cola vs Pepsi

In the last couple of weeks, a JPG has been making the internet rounds and, in the process, has gathered more than 6,500 Diggs (not that that is any measure of successful success, but still…) and has been mentioned in dozens of design and culture blogs, including many which I frequent and respect. The problem is that the JPG is wrong and disingenuous.

Tot articolul: http://www.underconsideration.com/brandnew/archives/coca-cola_vs_pepsi_revised_edition.php

duminică, septembrie 20, 2009

Videotelefonul in 1910

it's a sketch of a concept for what the French thought videotelephony would look like in 2000, not a working videophone, but still it shows people were thinking big at the time.

In fact, even earlier in 1878 a wily inventor named George du Maurier actually published a conceptual upgrade to the era's "speaking tubes" using this drawing below, which depicts a "viewing display" to go along with that generation's literal series of tubes.

Tot articolul: http://gizmodo.com/5363623/the-videophone-as-imagined-in-1910-still-had-dancing-webcam-girls

Animatie cu Lego

vineri, septembrie 18, 2009

miercuri, septembrie 16, 2009

Masina "Tom si Jerry" moderna

Nearness from timo on Vimeo.

Trandafirul albastru

To produce a naturally blue rose has been a dream of horticulturalists for almost as long as people have been breeding flowers. It turns out to be essentially impossible to do by traditional plant husbandry, and attempts have proved futile for so long that the blue rose itself has become a symbol of the impossible or the seemingly impossible, and only the rarest achievements call for their presentation as gifts. And until recently, even those rare occasions had to be served by artificially blue roses made by growing white roses in tinted water. Now, however, the Japanese company Suntory, in partnership with Australia's Florigene, have created a transgenic rose which incorporates a petunia gene to achieve a pale lilac color which is really only barely blue. It took them 13 years of work to do it, however, so I guess they've decided pale lilac is close enough.

Mai multe poze si informatii: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1082290/Pictured-Worlds-truly-blue-roses-display-Japan.html

Model al unui model

sâmbătă, septembrie 12, 2009

Cele mai ciudate lucruri despre caini

Tipul asta de caine se numeste Puli

Articol: http://www.theequinest.com/unusual-dogs/

joi, septembrie 10, 2009

amanda levete architects: 10 hills place

the project is levete’s response when asked by her client to adapt and extend
an existing commercial building - a hybrid of an ornate and well-mannered corner piece
fronting oxford street and a less distinguished three-storey 1970s addition to the rear,
containing a retail unit on levels one and two and offices above.
the architects were shifting the emphasis from oxford street to hills place, by placing a lightweight
steel frame on the existing concrete structure, and applying a new skin to bring presence to a
previously boring building.
at ground level a bespoke glass, mesh and dichromatic film sandwich is animated with fibre
optics to create visual depth of field and a moiré pattern on an otherwise blank facade.
the skin continues down to the ground, enveloping the existing building.

Mai multe informatii si poze: http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/9/view/7533/amanda-levete-architects-10-hills-place.html

H1N1 la PAX

Prezenta H1N1 la Penny arcade expo a fost confirmata. Nu a fost data o cifra exact a numarului de infectati dar sunt "destul de multi incat sa fie implementate masurile de siguranta".

Evident gamerii nu sunt oamenii cu cel mai dezvoltat simt al igienei dar ma intreb daca orice conventie/intrunire/show de acum incolo va fi marcat de proceduri de decontaminare din cauza super-molimelor abatute asupra noastra.

Mai multe informatii: http://www.penny-arcade.com/2009/9/9/

Porumbel vs internet

A Durban IT company pitted an 11-month-old bird armed with a 4GB memory stick against the ADSL service from the country's biggest web firm, Telkom.

Winston the pigeon took two hours to carry the data 60 miles - in the same time the ADSL had sent 4% of the data.

Winston the pigeon was allowed no "performance-enhancing seeds"

Articol: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8248056.stm

The cooles house in the galaxy

Musical birds

Birds on the Wires from Jarbas Agnelli on Vimeo.

miercuri, septembrie 09, 2009

Rambo statistics

Desi asta nu e nimic. In primul sau film Nicholas Cage nu a omorat pe nimeni si in ultimul sau film a omorat PE TOATA LUMEA DE PE PLANETA.

marți, septembrie 08, 2009

Discriminare la bancomat?

Un bancomat al Volksbank din Konstanz, un oraş german de la graniţa cu Elveţia, a avut timp de mai bine de două zile o defecţiune curioasă, el confruntând fiecare client care voia să schimbe bani cu o întrebare indiscretă: "Locuiţi în România?", relatează cotidianul Südkurier.


luni, septembrie 07, 2009

Gatitul cu o mana

Multi nu se descurca nici cu doua maini in bucatarie. Unii oameni sunt nevoiti sa se descurce cu o singura mana. Acest blat e gandit sa permita utilizarea complet cu alta mana. Probabil exista o piata si pentru oamenii care vorbesc constant la telefon si vor sa gateasca.

Articol: http://www.yankodesign.com/2009/09/07/single-hand-cook/

Injectable brain gel

The ongoing Military Health Research Forum is discussing the use of an injectable hydrogel for the treatment of traumatic brain injury, which -- unlike our ability to do push-ups -- is no joke. The fertilizer part comes from the gel's ability to stimulate the growth of neural stem cells within the brain, which are then capable of repairing damaged nerves and preventing the spread of harm to other cells. "Brain tissue regeneration" might not be the wisest name for it, but tests on rats have shown sustained functional recovery, and we understand that with enough Igors on the job, this could be put into use within the next three years.

Link: http://www.engadget.com/2009/09/07/injectable-brain-gel-may-save-soldiers-lives-zombify-them-or/#

duminică, septembrie 06, 2009

Cum sa iti optimizezi creierul

Military research is finding that people can stay awake for 40 hours, sleep the normal 8 hours, and then pull a few more all-nighters with no ill effects.

Include informatii despre medicamente reale (modafinil) care te tin treaz 90 de ore fara probleme, medicamente care optimizeaza memoria (ampakines), optimizarea dietei pentru a favoriza creierul, trucuri logice si multe altele.

Tot articolul: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn9968-top-10-steps-to-a-better-brain.html

Why Do Freeways Come to a Stop?

Sursa: http://coolinfographics.blogspot.com/2009/01/why-do-freeways-come-to-stop.html
Mai multe: http://blog.cleveland.com/datacentral/2009/01/traffic-shockwave.pdf

Focurile din California

Windows 7 ghidul complet

Probabil o sa incepeti sa intalniti windows 7 pe diverse sisteme. E chiar cel mai bun windows pana acum.


miercuri, septembrie 02, 2009

13 more things that do not make sense

Strive as we might to make sense of the world, there are mysteries that still confound us.

Here are thirteen of the most perplexing. Cracking any one of them could yield profound truths.

Articol: http://www.newscientist.com/special/13-more-things

Nokia X6

Specificatii tehnice:

Disponibil incepand din iarna (zic ei). Chiar imi place foarte mult. Primul telefon cu touchscreen care imi place.

Ice Age 4D

"hungarian" organic arhitecture

Cladirea din poza e in miercurea ciuc. Mai multe: http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/9/view/7452/hungarian-organic-architecture-exhibition-at-budapest-museum-of-applied-arts.html

Catalogul IKEA 2010

A venit catalogul ikea 2010. Verificati clantele de la apartament.

Build rockets!

marți, septembrie 01, 2009
