marți, iunie 30, 2009

Un review unic

This is my second review on off-grid living with the Palm Pre. My first review was written 3 days after I received the Pre on rollout day June 6th. As of Saturday the 20th I have now had the Palm Pre for 2 weeks. As I said in my first review, I am nowhere near the typical Pre user. My needs are unique and therefore my smartphone has to be unique as well. I live on a completely off-grid 40 acre ranch in Central Texas. We raise Pure Longhorn cattle, a milking Holstein, sheep, rabbits, chickens, and yellow blackmouth curr dogs. We are not anti-technology, but we examine every technology very closely to see if it will actually benefit our simple lifestyle. We live our lives very deliberately, and we know that most supposed "time-saving" technologies have actually created a society of slaves to the machines, and we seriously examine whether a device or technology is actually offering us any benefits or if it just becomes another toy to be serviced by its human slaves.

Omul traieste in the middle of nowhere, creste vaci si nu are aproape nici un fel de tehnologie

Foarte interesant review:

luni, iunie 29, 2009

Moartea calculatoarelor desktop

Desktop PCs have been in decline for a decade, and countless people have said their piece about it. But new evidence suggests the desktop tower's death spiral is underway—and we're not too broken up about it.
People aren't buying computers.

Except that's not quite what's happening. In the same period, laptop shipments—already higher than desktop shipments on the whole—grew 10% over last year. Desktops were entirely to blame, dropping by an astounding 23%. That's not decline—it's free fall.

Cam adevarat. Puterea laptopurilor, capabilitatea de a il inchide si sa ai toata munca cu tine si posibilitatea de a il extinde acasa cu un monitor suplimentar+tastatura+mouse+backup network storage face desktopul sa fie doar o varianta mai ieftina si cu inconveniente de utilizare.



'real limited' by mischer'traxler is about limited editions that reflect limitations in
reality: untouched nature, maintained traditions, old craftsmanship, languages and dialects.

in the first executed 'real limited'-project endangered species are translated into limited
editions of products. each single product, or element of a product represents one individual
being in nature. so far mischer'traxler have created a limited fungi shelf for droog design
and moths lamp based on this concept.

Mai multe:

Time travelers message board

At 14:52:28, FreedomFighter69 wrote:
Reporting my first temporal excursion since joining IATT: have just returned from 1936 Berlin, having taken the place of one of Leni Riefenstahl's cameramen and assassinated Adolf Hitler during the opening of the Olympic Games. Let a free world rejoice!


duminică, iunie 28, 2009

Cel mai brutal ceas de alarma


Cathedral Plaza continua datorita coruptiei

Lucrarile de constructie la Cathedral Plaza vor continua, dupa ce Curtea de Apel Ploiesti a admis recursurile declarate de primarul sectorului 1 Bucuresti si firma Millenium Building Development împotriva sentintei Tribunalului Dâmbovita de anulare a autorizatiei de constructie. "Printr-o decizie irevocabila, Curtea de Apel Ploiesti a admis recursurile, a modificat sentinta si a respins si capatul de cerere privitor la anularea autorizatiei", au declarat surse oficiale.

What the fuck? Curtea de apel Ploiesti? Chiar asa nesimtit li se permite sa calce in picioare orice lege?

Reamintesc ca fusese declarata nula autorizatia de constructie si chiar se obtinuse demolarea imobilului. Milenium Grup a contestat decizia si ca sa intoarca decizia despre o zona din Bucuresti au mers evident la Ploiesti... probabil era mai ieftin.
Milenium Grup sunt cei care au construit si cladirea de la Armeneasca aproape daramand biserica Armeneasca in timpul constructiei.


sâmbătă, iunie 27, 2009

Porn! in 3D!

Cladirea de la armeneasca


Cladirea de la Armeneasca de birouri arde. Ipotezele actuale sunt ca a fost lovita de un traznet in timpul furtunii din noaptea asta.
Marea ingrijorare este ca va cadea peste biserica armeneasca

REALITATEA.NET - O clădire de birouri din centrul Capitalei a luat foc. VEZI VIDEO

vineri, iunie 26, 2009

Advanced Sleep

Consider the "siesta" sleep method and other schedules to get in more quality shut-eye.
he advocates going the polyphasic sleep route, a method that essentially trains the brain to enter REM for short periods of time via 20-minute naps, rather than through one long night of sleep. The post breaks down five polyphasic sleep options, the simplest of which is the "Siesta" method. This involves "just one nap in the day and then a huge chunk of sleep at night," which should shave one hour and 40 minutes off your total sleep requirements. Each method increases the number of total naps—"The Uberman" requires six 20-minute naps, for example—but each requires fairly strict adherence to the routine.

Daca incearca cineva vreau feedback. Pare interesant


joi, iunie 25, 2009

miercuri, iunie 24, 2009

Restaurante neobisnuite

Dans Le Noir restaurant in London employs blind waiters who lead customers to and through the pitch-black dining experience

Galerie 10 restaurante neobisnuite

Creative advertising

Toate foarte interesante.


Iconic photographs

Nu am pus poza pentru ca sunt socante.


Majoritatea au castigat Pulitzer

Bristol street art


A fair price for free knowledge

This is a question about the future of capitalism, the economic system that arose from scarcity. Ours is the era of expanded copyright systems and enormous portfolios of dubious patents, of trade secrecy, the privatisation of the fruits of publicly funded research, and other phenomena that we collectively term "intellectual property". As technology has made a new abundance of knowledge possible, politicians, lawyers, corporations and university administrations have become more and more determined to preserve its scarcity.

So will we cling to scarcity just so that we can keep capitalism? Or will capitalism have to evolve into some new kind of digital economics?

Tot articolul:

What women want?

10 obiecte pe care le vor femeile?


Ce pot sa zic...

marți, iunie 23, 2009

Intel si Nokia join forces

... to take over the world!

Ma rog. Nu pentru asta dar de acum tehnologia wireless folosita de Intel va fi cea de la Nokia si porcesoarele din deviceurile Nokia vor fi Intel.
Ce inseamna asta? Laptopuri Nokia, mobile mai puternice si probabil carduri wireless cu 3G ca default... coming soon.


E simplu

E foarte simplu sa operezi masinariile de pe santier.


Displacement maps

Cum sa folosesti displacement maps in photoshop.


duminică, iunie 21, 2009

The Moon (film)

Acest film a fost lansat dar nu la noi in cinema. Nu reusesc sa il gasesc nicaieri. Poate face cineva cumva rost de el?

Home project

Filmul este si la cinema dar este distribuit gratuit prin internet pe youtube:
Fara embedding. E in HD.
Mai multe informatii pe Wikipedia

Jocuri free online

Toate au multiplayer:

Scorched Earth 3D (ca gorila.bas numai cu rachete):

FreeCol(joc tip civilization):

Battle Tanks (ai un tank... kill everyone else):

sâmbătă, iunie 20, 2009


vineri, iunie 19, 2009

Direct din filmele SF

Ok... distopiile SF

Asa vor cei de la Samsung sa arate pasapoartele in curand. Sunt alimentate displayurile wireless de la cititorul de pasapoarte.

joi, iunie 18, 2009

miercuri, iunie 17, 2009

WiFi Heatmapper

The term ‘warwalking’ isn’t used very often, but the Ekahau HeatMapper adds a new tool to the pod bound hacker’s arsenal. The tool maps out wireless access points as well as their signal strength within a facility. A test of the HeatMapper on a map made with AutoDesk Dragonfly accurately determined the location of a router within 3 feet and helped tune the angle it needed to be at for maximum range. Ekahau made a fantastically cheesy promotional video for their product, which is viewable after the jump. The program is free of charge,

Pe scurt face harti WiFi ale zonei folosing doar un laptop. Te plimbi cu el in brate, dai trei clickuri si iti face o harta exacta. Poti localiza routere, probleme de emisie/receptie and generally be cool :)



Autodesk Dragonfly

E un soft online gratis facut de autodesk pentru schitarea rapida a interioarelor. In 10 min am trasat tot apartamentul meu fara probleme

marți, iunie 16, 2009

Galerie Nori


Opera Unite

Traducere: putem trimite fisiere de la unul la altul fara siteuri suplimentare de transfer, putem colabora direct calculator la calculator etc.

luni, iunie 15, 2009

Manipulare 3D cu mobilul

N95 acceleremoter in Blender from aktathelegend on Vimeo.

(recomand sa taiati sunetul - really e oribila muzica... I mean it)
Link la proiect:

Ar trebui sa functioneze pe toate Nokia cu accelerometru si bluetooth

Top Gear sezon 13

duminică, iunie 14, 2009

Reclama IE8

Little wheel

Joc flash slovac cu un stil grafic f interesant


Renovare birou


sâmbătă, iunie 13, 2009

vineri, iunie 12, 2009


E la cinema. Mergem?

Yggdrasil Electric Pole

Svenska Kraftnät (the folks who run the Swedish national electrical grid) approved of this design and the poles will be placed as a portal on either side of an entry high way to Stockholm, Sweden. So if you’re making a road trip to Sweden in the year 2010-11, expect to these dynamic poles greet you at the fringe of the cityscape. BTW Yggdrasil refers to the holy world tree in Norse Mythology.

Ideea este simpla. Orice tub florescent se aprinde prin inductie sub o linie de inalta tensiune din cauza campurilor electrice foarte puternice. Aceasta poarta va exploata acest lucru pentru a da impresia intrarii intr-un spatiu mitic la capatul autostrazii.


miercuri, iunie 10, 2009

Casa lui Guillermo del Toro



(nu e photoshop)
Just when you thought it was safe. Overfishing and human activities have led to jellyfish growth all over the world. And not just in population; this jellyfish, found off of the coast of Japan, is almost 5 feet across.

Not only that, but scientists have found jellyfish weighing up to 440 pounds.

Human runoff has created a nutrient-rich environment for these giant jellies, and overfishing has reduced their competition in the oceans. And now these giants are taking over, able to tear through fishing nets and decimate local fishing populations.


luni, iunie 08, 2009

Votul Eurobucuresti

Butoiul ilegal

“The rain barrel is the bong of the Colorado garden. It’s legal to sell one. It’s legal to own one. It’s just not legal to use it for its intended purpose.


duminică, iunie 07, 2009


sâmbătă, iunie 06, 2009

Saptamana trecuta pe luna

Poate nu stiati dar agentia spatiala japoneza are in orbita deasupra lunii o nava automata care are la bord of camera superHD (rezolutie 4k). Pana in acest moment este cea mai grozava camera care a fost trimisa pana la luna. It gets better! Sunt postate periodic fotografii si filme facute de nava:

Aceste filme sunt REALE nu sunt CGI

Repo Man

It was snowing hard when the bank called Nick Popovich. They needed to grab a Gulfstream in South Carolina now. Not tomorrow. Tonight.

All commercial and private planes were grounded, but Nick Popovich wasn't one to turn down a job. So he waited for the storm to clear long enough to charter a Hawker jet from Chicago into South Carolina. There was just one detail: No one had told Popovich about the heavily armed white supremacist militia that would be guarding the aircraft when he arrived.

Tot articolul:


Softuri folosite: Inventor, Revit Architecture, 3DStudio Max... mai sunt dar nu le recunosc pe toate.

vineri, iunie 05, 2009

The Job

Assassin's Creed 2

Din orbita pana pe pamant

Aterizarea navetei spatiale vazuta din interior:

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

joi, iunie 04, 2009

Even kings do it

O campanie de educare pentru ridicarea "deseurilor canine".


Pentru doamne si domnisoare

Image Hosted by


Brilliant save by Raffaele de Rosa in the 250cc qualifying session at Round 5 in Mugello 2009.


Is Science As Important As Football?

Is it irresponsible to write a mass-market book that describes how to do dangerous science experiments? It used to be very common. I have books from the early 1800s through the mid 1900s that would make your hair stand on end. One 1930s book from none other than the Popular Science Press includes the recipe for Armstrong's mixture, a friction-sensitive explosive notorious for blowing hands off while it's being mixed.
Let's talk about football. Sports, especially at the high school level, are extremely dangerous. So many children are injured on a regular basis that you don't even hear about it. Many of these injuries are relatively minor, just a broken bone or perhaps a torn ligament that puts the child in a cast for a few months. But a substantial number cause permanent disability and death. This carnage could easily be avoided by switching to video football. Graphics are very realistic these days; students could study tackles from all angles in complete safety. Gymnastics students could do their routines on a Wii Fit board, and video screens are readily available for exercise bicycles, eliminating open-road bicycle riding, a major killer of children.

Tot articolul:

miercuri, iunie 03, 2009

Refacerea vederii

Da inca un post despre medicina. Nu stiu ce e azi.

Cum sa cresti inimi noi

The rat hearts beat just as if there were inside a live animal, but even more remarkable is how each one has been made: by coating the stripped-down "scaffolding" of one rat's heart with tissue grown from another rat's stem cells.

Taylor, a stem cell scientist at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, now wants to repeat the achievement on a much larger scale, by "decellularising" hearts, livers and other organs taken either from human cadavers or from larger animals such as pigs, and coating them in stem cells harvested from people.

Ideea este sa fie recoltata o inima, de la un porc crescut special pentru asta, care apoi este decelularizata astfel incat sa ramana doar o "schela" formata din colagen si proteine (lipsita de ADN si celule). Pe schela se pun celule stem prelevate de la pacient. Acestea cresc si populeaza structura formand noi tesuturi care nu vor fi respinse.
Problema se pare ca este musculatura care nu poate fi crescuta eficient. Rezultatul este o inima noua, echivalentul unei inimi atrofiate, incapabila sa pompeze cat este nevoie.


Inima in afara corpului

Researchers at the North Carolina State University has developed a machine that can keep a heart beating outside the body. The potential medical benefit is huge, though for whatever reason I kept on thinking about Dr. Frankenstein:

"Researchers can obtain pig hearts from a pork processing facility and use the system to test their prototypes or practice new surgical procedures," says Andrew Richards, a Ph. D. student in mechanical engineering at NC State who designed the heart machine.

The computer-controlled machine, which operates using pressurized saline solution, also allows researchers to film the interior workings of the pumping heart - enabling them to ascertain exactly which surgical technologies and techniques perform best for repairing heart valves.


Serviciul montare IKEA

Reclame pentru serviciul de montare oferit de IKEA.


marți, iunie 02, 2009

Windows 7 pe 22 Octombrie 2009

October 22nd. Yep, the fourth Thursday in the tenth month of this year will mark the first date in which you -- the general consumer -- can purchase Win7


E3 2009

Noul Splinter Cell:

Alan Wake:

Noul Wolfenstein 3D:

Mafia 2:

Red Faction 3:

Star Wars The Old Republic


Asperatus - noul tip de nori

The Cloud Appreciation Society says we need to recognise a new cloud type. Alongside cirrus and cumulus clouds, say hello to the asperatus. Society founder Gavin Pretor-Pinney explains.


Am pozat eu acum cateva luni in Bucuresti chiar tpul asta de nori. Scuzati calitatea este cu camera de pe mobil. Zona alba nu e cer senin doar depaseste luminzitatea.


(click pt mai mare)

luni, iunie 01, 2009

Noi algoritmi la Adobe

Probabil este ce va fi prezent in CS5.

Mana robot uriasa

Unii oameni au prea mult timp liber.

Pie Charts

mmmm pi

Microsoft Bing

Microsoft a lansat cel mai nou concurent contra Google: Microsoft BING! Really.
Nu prea merge prea grozav pentru Romania se pare dar niciodata nu merg bine la inceput pentru noi.