joi, aprilie 30, 2009

The credit crisis visualised

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

The Short and Simple Story of the Credit Crisis.

The goal of giving form to a complex situation like the credit crisis is to quickly supply the essence of the situation to those unfamiliar and uninitiated. This project was completed as part of my thesis work in the Media Design Program, a graduate studio at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California.

For more on my broader thesis work exploring the use of new media to make sense of a increasingly complex world, visit

O explicatie chiar buna si simpla cu elemente grafice.

Gradina din burlan

We live near the glacier, so the soil is cold and has very little organic matter, there are lots of big trees shading it, and we have all the slugs and root maggots anyone could want, with porcupines, cats, bears and ravens meandering to boot.

There is only one side of our house that gets much sunshine, and, of course, that side of the house has the smallest yard.

Even if your garden doesn't face the same problems, the idea behind the gutter garden could be perfect if you're low on space but would kill for some homegrown veggies.

Poate bune si la bloc sau la cei cu curti mici.
Cu o mica pompa si un microcontroller s-ar putea chiar automatiza usor udarea lor.


Perne Adobe CS4

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Toti folosim ceva din suita Adobe. Cineva s-a gandit ca poate vrem sa vedem iconurile CS4 tot timpul.


miercuri, aprilie 29, 2009

Pandemie 2009 - primul deces in SUA

Gri - neinfectat
Portocaliu - suspect (in curs de testare)
Rosu - infectat
Negru - mortalitate confirmata

Tocmai a fost confirmat primul deces in SUA. In mod curent exista peste 3000 de oameni confirmat infectati global si peste 160 de morti. Nu e nimic impresionant daca nu luam in considerare ca a fost detectata SAMBATA 25 Aprilie (acum 4 zile).

E momentul sa ne informam:
  • gripa porcina nu se ia de la porci in ciuda numelui. Numai sa aveti grija sa frigeti carnea bine pentru ca exista sansa ca sa fie veche (lumea nu o cumpara de frica dar ramane pe raft etc.)
  • gripa aceasta afecteaza adultii tineri cel mai rau. Declanseaza un supraraspuns imunitar (hipercitokinemie sau cytokine storm in engleza) care are un efect autoimun (it's not lupus!). Adultii tineri au sistemul imunitar puternic si complet dezvoltat asa ca sunt cei mai afectati. This means YOU!
  • virusul e tip H1N1 si este inrudit cu gripa spaniola din 1918 (cea mai groaznica epidemie de gripa din istorie) - daca vi se pare cunoscut este pentru ca in serialul ReGenesis scenariul apocaliptic era izbucnirea gripei spaniole in Mexic. no shit
  • raspunde la "antibiotice"(antivirale de fapt) dar numai la cele mai puternice cunoscute (Tamiflu/Oseltamivir)
  • Romania este neafectata deocamdata. La fel si tarile vecine. Click pe harta de mai sus.
  • daca aveti simptome clare de gripa mergeti la medic. Better safe than sorry.
  • simptome de gripa inseamna febra+nas infundat+tusit+... Nu va buluciti ca niste cretini la medic doar pentru ca ati stranutat o singura data. Trebuie sa aveti mai multe simptome simultan
  • nu fiti idioti (valabil si dupa incheierea alertei actuale)
  • nu calatoriti spre Mexic (DUH!)

Ride the subway

What apparently happened, according to witnesses, was a team of six or so people hopped on to a north-bound train from 24th Street station in San Francisco around 8:30 p.m. last night, installed three matching red swings, and then exited at 16th Street leaving their swings behind for public consumption.

Leganele au fost lasate acolo ca sa se poate bucura si ceilalti calatori de ele.

Jesus is your friend

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Eu ma mai intreb si de ce au privirile astea de porumbei indragostiti astia doi

marți, aprilie 28, 2009

Machii modern samurai returns

Primul video a fost postat in arhiva (primul link)

Winchester House - arhitectura americana

Inspirat de my friend archshrk (care de acum e arhitect cu licenta. BRAVO!) am dat de o poveste interesanta de arhitectura americana (sau lipsa ei... you decide).
The Winchester Mystery House is a well-known California mansion that was under construction continuously for 38 years, and is reported to be haunted. It once was the personal residence of Sarah Winchester, the widow of gun magnate William Wirt Winchester, but is now a tourist attraction. Under Winchester's day-to-day guidance, its "from-the-ground-up" construction proceeded around-the-clock, without interruption, from 1884 until her death on September 5, 1922, at which time work immediately ceased.[2] The cost for such constant building has been estimated at about US $5.5 million[3] (if paid in 1922, this would be equivalent to almost $70 million in 2008 dollars).
The mansion is renowned for its size and utter lack of any master building plan. According to popular belief, Winchester thought the house was haunted by the ghosts of individuals killed by Winchester rifles, and that only continuous construction would appease them. It is located at 525 South Winchester Blvd. in San Jose, California.


Stand by Me

Playing For Change | Song Around The World "Stand By Me" on Vimeo.

This cover of Stand By Me was recorded by completely unknown artists in a street virtual studio all around the world. It all started with a base track—vocals and guitar—recorded on the streets of Santa Monica, California, by a street musician called Roger Ridley. The base track was then taken to New Orleans, Louisiana, where Grandpa Ellitott—a blind singer from the French Quarter—added vocals and harmonica while listening to Ridley's base track on headphones. In the same city, Washboard Chaz's added some metal percussion to it.

And from there, it just gets rock 'n' rolling bananas: The producers took the resulting mix all through Europe, Africa, and South America, adding new tracks with multiple instruments and vocals that were assembled in the final version you are seeing in this video. All done with a simple laptop and some microphones.


American Psycho

Remember that famous scene where Christian Bale wigs out over a business card? This is basically the same thing. Just real. And not ultimately ironic.

(da pare sa fie fake. Contul de youtube e al unei firme de reclame online)

luni, aprilie 27, 2009

Pandemie 2009 - gripa porcina

In caz ca nu ati obsvervat a izbucnit o noua epidemie care este cam periculoasa. Gripa porcina este o mutatie a virusului H1N1 care este responsabil pentru gripa spaniola din 1918. Sa speram ca nu va fi la fel de grav ca atunci dar oricum harta e dinamica asa ca refreshuiti.

Gri - neinfectat
Portocaliu - suspect (in curs de testare)
Rosu - infectat
Negru - mortalitate confirmata (numai Mexic deocamdata 60 morti)

In Romania nici un caz pana acum iar aeroporturile sunt sub supraveghere. Nu va lasati pacaliti de nume: nu se transmite de la om la porc. Se transmite ca orice alta gripa prin aer.

Totusi nu prea e nimic de facut asa ca in timp ce asteptati sfarsitul lumii va puteti juca

Talhar capturat si tinut ca si sclav sexual

KALUGA, Russia, April 15 (UPI) -- Russian police said a female hairdresser was arrested for allegedly keeping an unsuccessful armed robber bound as a sex slave for two days.

Web site quoted police as saying the 32-year-old man entered the hair salon at about 5 p.m. March 14, brandished a gun and demanded money from workers and customers, The Moscow Times reported Wednesday.

However, the 28-year-old hairdresser, who had martial arts training, disarmed the man and bound him hair-dryer cord.

Police told that the woman then allegedly kept the man gagged and handcuffed to a radiator for 48 hours. She is accused of forcing him to take Viagra and forcing him to have sex with her multiple times.

The woman let her prisoner go March 16 and he went to police after seeking treatment for injuries to his genitals.

The Web site said the man filed a complaint asking for the hairdresser to be brought up on charges for "actions of a sexual nature." The woman filed a complaint the next day seeking armed robbery charges against the man.

"I don't know what's going to happen now," quoted a police source as saying. "We could put both of them behind bars: him for robbery, her for rape and assault."



Free Hugs - Deluxe Hugs

A fost si la noi initiativa cu free hugs. Poate ar trebui deluxe hugs. 5 RON sounds about right :)

Robot Jazz

The robot listens to the human play and tries to match its beat, sync, and themes. It uses choreographic gestures to generate both motion and sound.

duminică, aprilie 26, 2009

Design rus

The sign on it reads “Anti-vandal purse, capacity is $10,000″

Altele la SURSA

RED demonstreaza video 4k cu bitrateul unui DVD

While RED has been pretty tight-lipped about its planned RED RAY product, some footage shown off at RED's NAB party gave a sizable hint that RED RAY could be much more than meets the eye -- specifically a $1,000 device that can play cinema-quality 4k video off of standard DVDs. At the party they played an uncompressed showreel of 4k footage on a Sony 4k projector, which clocked in at 1.3GB per second, and then showed that exact same footage under the "RED RAY" codec at a mere 10Mb/s (megabits, not bytes; about half the bitrate of SD DV), at a compression rate of 700:1. Attendees claimed they could see zero visible compression, though a projector in a ballroom isn't exactly the best case scenario to test that sort of thing. Unfortunately, there's little other info about how they're achieving this (we hear "wavelets" come into the equation at some point), or to what nefarious aims, but with compression like this the implications for content distribution are pretty stunning: 1080p+ streaming for all.

Asta inseamna ca au facut un codec video cu o compresie de 700:1. Impresionant


sâmbătă, aprilie 25, 2009

Reclame pe gheata

Larger-than-life Gillette Fusion Power razors were attached to the backs of Zamboni (ice resurfacer) machines, making it seem as though the razors were giving the ice a smoother “shave”.

Unde pui masa de biliard

For years, dining tables have been an object of design. They come in all shapes, materials and styles but they all remain basically mono-functional serving as a dining table only.
So after dinner, open up the table and play a game of pool with the after-dinner drinks. Billiards is one of the only games that can bring together and entertain young and old, male and female, friends and neighbours.

Unii (barbosi) poate chiar au nevoie de asa ceva. Poate chiar se potriveste cu ideea de spatiu de socializare ;)


Euro-prezervativ pentru becuri

as from september 2009 frosted bulbs will be banned in accordance with new EU guidelines on
light sources because they are said give off less light than clear bulbs. however, according to the
specifications of various manufacturers the difference, measured in lumens, is negligible or not existent.
protect yourself from stupid rules, use the euro condom!


Bancuri de recesiune

E august, un mic oras pe malul marii …, in plin sezon, ploua torential de citeva zile, orasul arata de parca ar fi parasit. Toti au datorii si traiesc din credite. Din fericire vine un rus bogat la un mic hotel cochet. Vrea o camera.
Pune o bancnota de 100$ pe masa receptionerului si se duce sa vada camerele.
Seful hotelului ia repede bancnota si se duce repede sa plateasca datoriile la macelar.
Acesta ia bancnota si se duce repede sa-si plateasca datoria la crescatorul de porci.
Acesta la rândul lui se grabeste sa-si plateasca datoriile la cel ce-i livreaza furaje pt. porci.
Cel cu furajele insfaca bancnota si alearga la prostituata pe care nu o mai platise demult. In timpurile astea de criza pina si ea ofera servicii pe datorie!
Prostituata ia bancnota in mina si se grabeste spre hotel, unde fusese cu clientii ultimele dati si unde ramasese datoare.
In acest moment coboara rusul, dupa ce a inspectat camerele, spune ca nicio camera nu-i place, isi ia bancnota si paraseste orasul.
Nimeni nu a cistigat ceva, insa intregul oras traieste acum fara datorii si priveste optimist in viitor!

Arhiva Messenger

Am hotarat sa adun toate linkurile pe care le trimit eu prin messenger pe un blog. Nu sunt mare fan al blogurilor dar mai multi prieteni si-au exprimat dorinta de avea un loc unde sa gaseasca linkurile pentru ca offlineurile de messenger se pierd. So here it is: (daca vreti sa am domeniu faceti donatii si il cumpar :P ). Aici gasiti articole despre stiinta, arhitectura, design, arta, filmulete youtube, reclame, poze, stiri, how-touri... tot ce mi se pare mie interesant si cred ca o sa vi se para si voua.

Dedesubt am inclus toate linkurile pe care le mai aveam in arhiva de messenger (cam de prin decembrie pana acum) de ex. questul unui surd pentru a asculata Bolero-ul, oglinzi care nu inverseaza imaginea, micile apartamentele pliante din Asia si o poza cu Putin sub acoperire ca turist in tinerete...

marți, aprilie 21, 2009

