duminică, februarie 28, 2010
vineri, februarie 26, 2010
Anul 1900 New York si Bucuresti
Am pornit de la o singura poza care nu merita postata dar m-a luat valul si am adunat o multime.
Aici avem o poza din Manhattan (New York) din 1900.
(click pt mai mare, si click iarasi la sursa pt si mai mare)
Atunci era "little Italy".
Acum este Chinatown la doi pasi de districtul financiar.
View Larger Map
(Google streetview interactiv)
Daca va uitati cu atentie se pot recunoaste unele cladiri. Pervazele si detaliile de fatada au ramas la fel.
Alte poze New York 1900:
Dar cum arata Bucurestiul la 1900? Surprinzator de bine in comparatie cu NY:
(click pt mai mare - observati domnisoara care trece strada singura in partea dreapta :) )
Ok dar aia e casa Capsa. Cum arata restul?
Tot aceeasi zona la cercul militar:
Calea Mosilor:
Alte zone:
Daca mai aveti alte poze ar fi grozav sa le putem adauga.
Cristi zice bine ce zice ca in numai 20 de ani de cand a fost facuta poza aia in New York fusese ridicata Empire State Building.
Aici avem o poza din Manhattan (New York) din 1900.
(click pt mai mare, si click iarasi la sursa pt si mai mare)
Atunci era "little Italy".
Acum este Chinatown la doi pasi de districtul financiar.
View Larger Map
(Google streetview interactiv)
Daca va uitati cu atentie se pot recunoaste unele cladiri. Pervazele si detaliile de fatada au ramas la fel.
Alte poze New York 1900:
Dar cum arata Bucurestiul la 1900? Surprinzator de bine in comparatie cu NY:
(click pt mai mare - observati domnisoara care trece strada singura in partea dreapta :) )
Ok dar aia e casa Capsa. Cum arata restul?
Tot aceeasi zona la cercul militar:
Calea Mosilor:
Alte zone:
Daca mai aveti alte poze ar fi grozav sa le putem adauga.
Cristi zice bine ce zice ca in numai 20 de ani de cand a fost facuta poza aia in New York fusese ridicata Empire State Building.
Biletele CFR se scumpesc cu 15%
Surse din ministerul Transporturilor spun că biletele se vor scumpi. Procedurile pentru majorarea de preţ ar fi fost deja demarate. Creşterea de preţ ar putea să se aplice din vară şi atunci vom plăti cu 15 la sută mai mult pentru un bilet. Ultima scumpirea a biletelor a avut loc în septembrie septembrie 2007. Atunci, o călătorie cu trenul s-a scumpit cu 8,1%.
Tot articolul: http://www.banisiafaceri.ro/exclusiv/mai+ai+bani+sa+mergi+cu+trenul%3F+biletele+se+scumpesc+cu+15%25
joi, februarie 25, 2010
Nikola Tesla Company Letterhead
Este real. La sursa exista si un link catre cel al lui Edison.
Sursa: http://www.letterheady.com/post/408940589/tesla
Fuel Cells and Bloom Energy's Miracle Box
Right now, the only box that Bloom is selling is a 100-kilowatt-hour energy server, which you can check out there. Inside are thousands of solid oxide fuel cells—each one able to power a light bulb. The cells are arranged in stacks, which are aggregated into modules, and so on, with a common fuel input. Right now, they're just for corporations—like Google and Coca-Cola—and run about $700,000 to $800,000 each. The goal's to get them down to three grand, where they'd be suitable for home use. That may still sound expensive, but they pay for themselves in 3-5 years, says Aaron, with an energy cost of 8-9 cents per kW hour vs. the 13-14 cents it typically costs in California. (It saved eBay $100,000 on their power bill.)
Tot articolul: http://gizmodo.com/5479460/giz-explains-fuel-cells-and-bloom-energys-miracle-box
miercuri, februarie 24, 2010
Sculpturi din padurea tropicala australiana
Galerie completa: http://www.descopera.ro/dnews/5611794-misterioasele-sculpturi-din-padurea-tropicala-australiana-foto
(nu stiu de ce sunt misterioase)
Thanks Cristi!
What's wrong with credit cards?
Stewart first explained that the problem with American consumers is that they not only desire a Champagne lifestyle on a Busch Light budget, but will take any opportunity to act on that appetite—even when painfully aware of the consequences of doing so. If you let them, they will spend, whether they have the money or not.
Video (nu poate fi embedded): http://tv.gawker.com/5478876/jon-stewart-sums-up-everything-that-is-wrong-with-america-in-under-four-minutes
marți, februarie 23, 2010
luni, februarie 22, 2010
Documentar britanic despre Romania din 1964
(the creepy lady nu are vreun rol anume)
sâmbătă, februarie 20, 2010
The best point and shoot camera
Samsung's new TL500 is capable of shooting RAW with a crazy fast F1.8 lens and lets you view it all on a twisting AMOLED screen. It's possibly Samsung's best point-and-shoot ever, and it could be a Canon S90 killer.
Link: http://gizmodo.com/5476357/samsungs-best-ever-point+and+shoot-tl500-shoots-raw-with-ultrafast-f18-lens-and-twisty-amoled-screen
vineri, februarie 19, 2010
Model Sukhoi Su-27
This no model, but a fully functioning RC jet. The Sukhoi Su-27 was the Soviet Union’s counterpart of the F16 and this 1/6.5 scaled version measures eleven feet long and is fully controllable. As if the 80-page build log wasn’t enough, the flight video is nothing short of jaw-dropping.
Pagina proiectului:http://www.su27.de/seite83.htm
miercuri, februarie 17, 2010
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace
Un show genial britanic facut in 2004 in stilul showurilor misterioase ale anilor 80:
Moscow-Vladivostok: trans-siberian virtual journey on Google Maps
The great Trans Siberian Railway, the pride of Russia, goes across two continents, 12 regions and 87 cities. The joint project of Google and the Russian Railways lets you take a trip along the famous route and see Baikal, Khekhtsirsky range, Barguzin mountains, Yenisei river and many other picturesque places of Russia without leaving your house. During the trip, you can enjoy Russian classic literature, brilliant images and fascinating stories about the most attractive sites on the route. Let's go!
Intr-un fel sunt trist ca a aparut asta. Traseul trans-siberian e unul pe care toata viata mi l-am dorit sa il parcurg... acum e pe google :(
marți, februarie 16, 2010
luni, februarie 15, 2010
Zebra Imaging's mind-blowing holographic sheets
Thanks Monica!
Holy Crap,
Windows Mobile 7
Daca tot vorbim de sistemele noi de operare ale mobilelor sa vorbim de Windows Mobile 7 prezentat tot azi si care ar trebui sa apara in curand.
Un video se gaseste la linkul de mai jos
Faltazi Envisions the Eco Kitchen of the Future
Bucataria viitorului! Atat de avansata incat nu se va putea gati in ea!
Include un filmulet f tare in articol
Thanks Andrei!
duminică, februarie 14, 2010
EEE Touch
Do you hear that? It's the sound of Apple biting their nails.
Holy Crap,
sâmbătă, februarie 13, 2010
Cele mai utile site-uri de pe web
Mi-a iesit pe nas sortarea si formarea aceste liste dar cred ca este cea mai buna lista de site-uri utile EVER CREATED. Enjoy.
http://www.grooveshark.com - For listening to music.
http://www.printfriendly.com - Makes any page printer-friendly.
http://www.ted.com - Interesting and informational videos on a whole range of topics.
http://fora.tv/ - Same as TED only with 1 hour talks
http://www.stumbleupon.com - Finds websites based on what you're interested in and how other people's ratings.
http://www.slickdeals.net - For finding good deals/freebies/contests.
http://www.bugmenot.com - Usernames/passwords for sites requiring registration.
http://www.mailinator.com - Temporary e-mail for when you want to sign up for something and not get spammed.
http://www.google.com/cse?cx=0038499...8&q=&sa=Search - Google torrent search
http://www.pipl.com - Looking up people based on username, name, email, or phone #.
http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/web/home/home/index.htm - MIT OpenCourseWare - entire courses, often including lecture videos available for free online.
http://ninite.com/ - Great website to create an installation package of applications for when you're reinstalling your OS or have just purchased a new computer.
http://www.kayak.com - Awesome site for when you're planning a trip.
http://www.nophonetrees.com/ - Get directly in touch with a human when you're calling customer service/support.
http://www.scribd.com - Ebook search.
http://www.ovguide.com - Search engine for movies/tv shows.
http://www.dropbox.com - Free service that syncs a folder on your computer to an online data store.
http://www.tineye.com - Reverse image search.
http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ - self-explanatory.
http://www.popurls.com - link aggregator.
http://www.gethighnow.com - audio and video illusions.
http://www.meetup.com - Meet up with a local group that share your interests.
http://meebo.com - Web-based chat without downloading the actual client (AIM, Yahoo, MSN, etc.)
http://www.boston.com/bigpicture - Amazing, high-quality, pictures from around the world.
http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page - Wikipedia for "simple" people
http://opendns.org - Safer surfing. Can block sites and protect your network.
http://studyblue.com - Great site to get notes/past exams for college students.
http://www.whatismyip.com - Tells you your IP address.
http://mp3cut.net/ - Cutting/splitting mp3s.
http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/eu...uropass+CV.csp - Build/maintain a CV according to Europass EU standards.
http://ceevee.com/ - Build/maintain a resume.
http://www.cutmypic.com/ - Crop a picture.
http://www.mygazines.net/ - Magazines online.
http://tinychat.com - Create a chatroom. Has web-cam and microphone support.
http://www.mint.com/ - Money management.
http://www.deviantart.com - For anything art-related. Good site to get wallpapers.
http://www.whatshouldireadnext.com/search - Gives you book suggestions based on books you've liked before.
http://www.filleritem.com/ - Finds filler items for Amazon so you have enough to get free shipping.
http://www.gutenberg.org - for a transcript of any book written before copyright laws. Includes some semi-professional volunteer audiobooks.
http://www.wolframalpha.com - computational knowledge engine; great for math. Solves all your math problems by itself.
http://www.errorhelp.com - search engine for errors in everything computer/software related
http://www.pinboard.in - awesome minimalistic bookmarking site...what delicious was like when it was good, and even better
http://www.simplynoise.com - cool site that generates white noise for the background with a nice look
http://www.erowid.org/ - documenting the complex relationship between humans & psychoactives (complete drugs encyclopedia)
http://monthlyinfo.com/ - Menstrual-cycle tracker
http://www.aaaarg.org - a huge collection of ebooks on philosophy, economics, and other erudite sciences...nice community as well
http://www.devcheatsheet.com - has pretty much every language's great useful cheatsheets all in one place with attribution to place of origin
http://www.betterexplained.com - ..self-explanatory, if that's not good enough for you, I'd check the site to have it explained better
http://www.khanacademy.org/ - An actual good free online university. Good courses
http://lab.arc90.com/experiments/readability/ - Makes pages more readable.
http://etherpad.com/ - collaborative editing
http://www.blindtextgenerator.com/lorem-ipsum - Dummy text generator.
http://dummyimage.com/ - Dummy Image Generator.
http://www.gazopa.com/ - Discover similar pictures.
http://errorlevelanalysis.com/ - Image Error Level Analyzer.
http://www.rainymood.com/ - Rainy Mood.
http://challonge.com/ - Tournament Bracket Generator.
http://www.doihaveadeadpixel.com/ - Do I Have A Dead Pixel.
http://accidentsketch.com/ - Accident sketching online. <bnu glumesc)</b>
http://scr.im/ - Convert your email address into a short, cute and safe link you can share it more safely.
http://showmewhatswrong.com/ - Instant screen recordings.
http://pixlr.com/ - Online Photoshop (ca adobe photoshop numai ca gratis)
http://www.wikimapia.com - Satellite maps with explanations, tags, links
http://www.marinetraffic.com - Every ship at sea right now
http://www.radioreference.com - Live police & emergency scanner traffic
http://www.flightaware.com - Every IFR airplane airborne in US airspace
http://www.liveatc.net - Live Air Traffic Control radio monitor
http://www.airliners.net - Photos of almost every aircraft in existence
http://www.gifexplode.com - separate an animated GIF into its component images
http://www.rememberthemilk.com -- to-dos
http://www.thesixtyone.com/ -- music discovery (I like the redesign sue me)
http://gliffy.com -- flow chart webapp
http://www.mibbit.com -- web irc client
http://www.openstreetmap.org/ -- maps
http://letsmakerobots.com -- robot howtos and projects
http://flashcarddb.com -- spaced repetition learning (SRS)
http://talkerapp.com/ - online conferencing
http://8tracks.com/ - free legal mixtapes sharing
http://epicurious.com - recipes etc..
http://www.allrecipes.com - Comprehensive recipe site
http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/ - find out how hazardous your soap/shampoo is
http://file2hd.com/ - Download any file from any site
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez/ - PUBMED online medical and medical research papers
http://quicksilverscreen.com/ - Search tool for online DIVX quality streaming cinema movies
http://www.goodreads.com - Keep track of what you want to read and what you have read
http://www.colourlovers.com/ - Color theory and color tutorials
http://www.feedly.com/ - RSS agregator
http://worldtv.com/ - Personal TV channels
http://drudgereport.com/ - First hand reporting (this is where local US stations get news from)
http://www.howtomendit.com/ - Repair manuals
http://errorlevelanalysis.com/ - Error level analysis shows differing error levels throughout this image, strongly suggesting some form of digital manipulation
http://citationmachine.net/ - research paper search engine
http://www.gigapan.org - amazing zooming in photos of all kinds of locations to get panoramics
http://media-convert.org - Convert basically anything into another format
http://www.backblaze.com/ - Unlimited online backup
http://www.cookingforengineers.com/ - Recipes make sense now.
http://www.geocommons.com/ - Create interactive maps easily
http://web.archive.org/ - (the internet way back machine!)
Luata, organizata si compilata din threadul asta. Pfew e gata!
http://www.grooveshark.com - For listening to music.
http://www.printfriendly.com - Makes any page printer-friendly.
http://www.ted.com - Interesting and informational videos on a whole range of topics.
http://fora.tv/ - Same as TED only with 1 hour talks
http://www.stumbleupon.com - Finds websites based on what you're interested in and how other people's ratings.
http://www.slickdeals.net - For finding good deals/freebies/contests.
http://www.bugmenot.com - Usernames/passwords for sites requiring registration.
http://www.mailinator.com - Temporary e-mail for when you want to sign up for something and not get spammed.
http://www.google.com/cse?cx=0038499...8&q=&sa=Search - Google torrent search
http://www.pipl.com - Looking up people based on username, name, email, or phone #.
http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/web/home/home/index.htm - MIT OpenCourseWare - entire courses, often including lecture videos available for free online.
http://ninite.com/ - Great website to create an installation package of applications for when you're reinstalling your OS or have just purchased a new computer.
http://www.kayak.com - Awesome site for when you're planning a trip.
http://www.nophonetrees.com/ - Get directly in touch with a human when you're calling customer service/support.
http://www.scribd.com - Ebook search.
http://www.ovguide.com - Search engine for movies/tv shows.
http://www.dropbox.com - Free service that syncs a folder on your computer to an online data store.
http://www.tineye.com - Reverse image search.
http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ - self-explanatory.
http://www.popurls.com - link aggregator.
http://www.gethighnow.com - audio and video illusions.
http://www.meetup.com - Meet up with a local group that share your interests.
http://meebo.com - Web-based chat without downloading the actual client (AIM, Yahoo, MSN, etc.)
http://www.boston.com/bigpicture - Amazing, high-quality, pictures from around the world.
http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page - Wikipedia for "simple" people
http://opendns.org - Safer surfing. Can block sites and protect your network.
http://studyblue.com - Great site to get notes/past exams for college students.
http://www.whatismyip.com - Tells you your IP address.
http://mp3cut.net/ - Cutting/splitting mp3s.
http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/eu...uropass+CV.csp - Build/maintain a CV according to Europass EU standards.
http://ceevee.com/ - Build/maintain a resume.
http://www.cutmypic.com/ - Crop a picture.
http://www.mygazines.net/ - Magazines online.
http://tinychat.com - Create a chatroom. Has web-cam and microphone support.
http://www.mint.com/ - Money management.
http://www.deviantart.com - For anything art-related. Good site to get wallpapers.
http://www.whatshouldireadnext.com/search - Gives you book suggestions based on books you've liked before.
http://www.filleritem.com/ - Finds filler items for Amazon so you have enough to get free shipping.
http://www.gutenberg.org - for a transcript of any book written before copyright laws. Includes some semi-professional volunteer audiobooks.
http://www.wolframalpha.com - computational knowledge engine; great for math. Solves all your math problems by itself.
http://www.errorhelp.com - search engine for errors in everything computer/software related
http://www.pinboard.in - awesome minimalistic bookmarking site...what delicious was like when it was good, and even better
http://www.simplynoise.com - cool site that generates white noise for the background with a nice look
http://www.erowid.org/ - documenting the complex relationship between humans & psychoactives (complete drugs encyclopedia)
http://monthlyinfo.com/ - Menstrual-cycle tracker
http://www.aaaarg.org - a huge collection of ebooks on philosophy, economics, and other erudite sciences...nice community as well
http://www.devcheatsheet.com - has pretty much every language's great useful cheatsheets all in one place with attribution to place of origin
http://www.betterexplained.com - ..self-explanatory, if that's not good enough for you, I'd check the site to have it explained better
http://www.khanacademy.org/ - An actual good free online university. Good courses
http://lab.arc90.com/experiments/readability/ - Makes pages more readable.
http://etherpad.com/ - collaborative editing
http://www.blindtextgenerator.com/lorem-ipsum - Dummy text generator.
http://dummyimage.com/ - Dummy Image Generator.
http://www.gazopa.com/ - Discover similar pictures.
http://errorlevelanalysis.com/ - Image Error Level Analyzer.
http://www.rainymood.com/ - Rainy Mood.
http://challonge.com/ - Tournament Bracket Generator.
http://www.doihaveadeadpixel.com/ - Do I Have A Dead Pixel.
http://accidentsketch.com/ - Accident sketching online. <bnu glumesc)</b>
http://scr.im/ - Convert your email address into a short, cute and safe link you can share it more safely.
http://showmewhatswrong.com/ - Instant screen recordings.
http://pixlr.com/ - Online Photoshop (ca adobe photoshop numai ca gratis)
http://www.wikimapia.com - Satellite maps with explanations, tags, links
http://www.marinetraffic.com - Every ship at sea right now
http://www.radioreference.com - Live police & emergency scanner traffic
http://www.flightaware.com - Every IFR airplane airborne in US airspace
http://www.liveatc.net - Live Air Traffic Control radio monitor
http://www.airliners.net - Photos of almost every aircraft in existence
http://www.gifexplode.com - separate an animated GIF into its component images
http://www.rememberthemilk.com -- to-dos
http://www.thesixtyone.com/ -- music discovery (I like the redesign sue me)
http://gliffy.com -- flow chart webapp
http://www.mibbit.com -- web irc client
http://www.openstreetmap.org/ -- maps
http://letsmakerobots.com -- robot howtos and projects
http://flashcarddb.com -- spaced repetition learning (SRS)
http://talkerapp.com/ - online conferencing
http://8tracks.com/ - free legal mixtapes sharing
http://epicurious.com - recipes etc..
http://www.allrecipes.com - Comprehensive recipe site
http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/ - find out how hazardous your soap/shampoo is
http://file2hd.com/ - Download any file from any site
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez/ - PUBMED online medical and medical research papers
http://quicksilverscreen.com/ - Search tool for online DIVX quality streaming cinema movies
http://www.goodreads.com - Keep track of what you want to read and what you have read
http://www.colourlovers.com/ - Color theory and color tutorials
http://www.feedly.com/ - RSS agregator
http://worldtv.com/ - Personal TV channels
http://drudgereport.com/ - First hand reporting (this is where local US stations get news from)
http://www.howtomendit.com/ - Repair manuals
http://errorlevelanalysis.com/ - Error level analysis shows differing error levels throughout this image, strongly suggesting some form of digital manipulation
http://citationmachine.net/ - research paper search engine
http://www.gigapan.org - amazing zooming in photos of all kinds of locations to get panoramics
http://media-convert.org - Convert basically anything into another format
http://www.backblaze.com/ - Unlimited online backup
http://www.cookingforengineers.com/ - Recipes make sense now.
http://www.geocommons.com/ - Create interactive maps easily
http://web.archive.org/ - (the internet way back machine!)
Luata, organizata si compilata din threadul asta. Pfew e gata!
Command&Conquer Freeware
EA a lansat C&C, C&C:Tiberian sun si C&C: Red Alert ca si freeware. De acum incolo pot fi downloadate de la ei de pe site gratis!
vineri, februarie 12, 2010
This is our turf
Look carefully. O poza e de la Google Streetview cealalta de la un website finlandez FINN streetview.
Sursa: http://labs.finn.no/da-google-møtte-finn-i-en-rundkjøring/
Holy Crap
joi, februarie 11, 2010
Unusual personal houses
Galeria include numele arhitectilor.
Toata galeria: http://acidcow.com/pics/7363-beautiful-unusual-houses-48-pics.html
Cum se construieste un metrou
Asta se intampla in St. Petersburg. La noi solutia aleasa de tovarasii guvernanti a fost sa faca un proiect pe 6 ani cu exproprieri si sa sape de la suprafata apoi sa acopere tunelul inapoi? De ce? Ca sa exproprieze pe cine trebuie.
Toata galeria: http://acidcow.com/pics/7362-building-a-subway-17-pics.html
Global warming is still true
(jump to 2m 19s pentru a sari peste clipurile de sport)
"Global warming" inseamana vreme mai extrema (de exemplu cum e acum afara).
Read Dead Redemption
Dupa ce Mass Effect 2 m-a impresionat pana peste masura se pare ca si alte companii incearca sa faca acelasi lucru.
miercuri, februarie 10, 2010
Phoenix Island
phoenix island by MAD architects is located in the center of sanya city, hainan province,
china. it is a man-made island surrounded by the sea. the dimension of phoenix island
is about 1250-meters long and 350-meter wide, connected by a bridge of 395-meter with
the main island of sanya.
the site area is about 365,000 sqm and will represent the future of sanya as the international
touring and resorts city. the island itself is a vacation land consisting a 7-star hotel, 5 boutique
apartments, yacht clubhouse, shopping streets and a habour for internaitonal passenger liners.
the total building area of the phoenix island is about 500,000 sqm. construction work is due
to finish in 2014.
Dubaisme chinezesti.
Tot articolul: http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/9/view/9083/mad-architects-phoenix-island.html
Holy Crap
Armament de buzunar
In Staraya Poltavka someone Igor Boldenkov lives and creates miniature copies of weapons. Have a look at the fruits of his hobby.
Galerie completa: http://englishrussia.com/?p=8332#more-8332
The World’s 50 Freakiest Animals
Am pus poza asta pentru ca orice poza din articol este mult prea freaky. Nu ma asteptam sa fie atat de ciudate. Click at your own risk. TOATE sunt reale.
luni, februarie 08, 2010
Canon EOS 550D/Digital Rebel T2i
In many respects the EOS 550D is a 'baby EOS 7D'. As well as getting a resolution boost to a class-leading 18 megapixels and a significantly upgraded movie mode (which now offers full HD capture at up to 30 fps, has full manual control and the option to use an external stereo microphone), the EOS 550D gets the 7D's sophisticated new metering system (bringing it a lot closer to similarly positioned Nikon SLRs). It also sports a new widescreen (3:2) LCD panel, has improved button design and finally offers the ability to customize the Auto ISO function.
Tot preview: http://www.dpreview.com/previews/canoneos550d/
duminică, februarie 07, 2010
sâmbătă, februarie 06, 2010
Va amintiti tipa care zicea ca a fost distrusa de vaccinul antigripal?
Surpriza! Era o escroaca!
Articol: http://www.theness.com/neurologicablog/?p=1558 (pica din cand in cand)
Povestea originala: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8riAeGh48U (inclusiv acuzatii ca doctorii mint ca ar fi o escroaca sau nebuna)
Articol: http://www.theness.com/neurologicablog/?p=1558 (pica din cand in cand)
Povestea originala: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8riAeGh48U (inclusiv acuzatii ca doctorii mint ca ar fi o escroaca sau nebuna)
told you so,
Inainte de explozia de la Cluj
Probabil ati auzit de mega explozia de la Cluj dar nimeni nu a aratat zona inainte de eveniment. Va prezint Strada Paris nr. 80:
vineri, februarie 05, 2010
GAD: besiktas fish market, istanbul
located in one of istanbul’s most populated and diverse neighborhoods, besiktas is an
eclectic area with a village-like atmosphere that is in the process of urban renewal.
the besiktas fish market is located on a triangular site. it is an iconic venue where many
locals and visitors buy fresh fish daily. the construction of the old fish market was in very
poor shape and needed to be replaced.
Mai multe si poze: http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/9/view/9028/gad-besiktas-fish-market-istanbul.html
Nokia diagnostics
Nokia Diagnostics is a free utility that can help you troubleshoot and resolve common problems with your Nokia phones.
For instance, when you need to configure your Nokia device on a different Internet Connection (like moving from one Wi-Fi network to another), Nokia Diagnostics can automatically identify the right Internet settings for you.
The utility can also help you test the phone’s battery charger, the loudspeaker and even the earpiece.
Nokia Diagnostics works with all S60 5th edition devices (like the N-series, Nokia 5800, etc.) while support for 3rd edition devices is expected soon.
Link: http://www.labnol.org/gadgets/troubleshoot-nokia-phone-problems/12676/
joi, februarie 04, 2010
displax touchscreen film
the portuguese company displax has developed a new type of film which can transform any surface into
a fully functioning touchscreen display. this new flexible film can be place on top of solid surfaces like
wood or plastic, or placed behind transparent materials like glass. the film is clear and can respond to
both touch and airflow. because it is flexible, the film can even be placed on uneven and curved surfaces.
the screen uses tiny wires embedded inside to capture input. the screen captures this information and
using its software transmits the data to your computer.
website: http://www.displax.com/
Sursa: http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/16/view/9011/displax-touchscreen-film.html
marți, februarie 02, 2010
An airline with a sense of humor
Kulula is one of the low-cost airlines in South Africa.
Galerie: http://leehamnews.wordpress.com/2010/01/29/an-airline-with-a-sense-of-humor/
Alte bancuri de la Kulula: http://www.southafrica.to/transport/Airlines/Kulula-flights/Kulula-humour.php5
luni, februarie 01, 2010
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