luni, octombrie 05, 2009

Vertical Garden

Paris Rue d'Alsace, “vegitecture“, Patrick Blanc

THE VERTICAL GARDEN ALLOWS people to re-create a living system very similar to natural environments. It’s a way to add nature to places where man once removed it. Thanks to botanical knowledge, it’s possible to display natural-looking plant landscapes even though they are human-made. In any city, all over the world, a naked wall can be turned into a Vertical Garden and thus be a valuable shelter for biodiversity. It’s also a way to add nature to the daily life of city inhabitants. Besides, thanks to its thermic isolation effect, the Vertical Garden is very efficient and aids in lowering energy consumption, both in winter (by protecting the building from the cold) and in summer (by providing a natural cooling system).

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UPDATE: Cristi mi-a povestit vizita lui la mai multe din aceste cladiri. Se pare ca umiditatea generata de aceste gradini este relativ mare si in plus de asta udarea lor se face direct fara o automatizare cu senzori. Din aceasta cauza "curg zoaie" pe fatade si direct in strada.
Poze detaliate mai jos:

Poze facute de Cristi

Thanks Cristi!

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