sâmbătă, mai 30, 2009

Angajatii Canon lucreaza in iad

You might think your job sucks, but at least your boss wasn't insane enough to remove all the chairs and install security so an alarm goes off if you don't walk fast enough.

The president of Canon Electronics, Hisashi Sakamaki, is also the author of a book proposing some of the same measures he takes with his own company. His theory is that forcing employees to stand not only saves money but increases productivity and enhances employee relationships.
UNIFORMELE! Nimeni nu observa uniformele?
Nu mai vreau sa folosesc camere Canon... sau imprimante.

Mai multe:

Perceptia impresionismului

The sun is set against the dawn, the orange color against the gray and the vibrant force of the sun against its motionless surroundings. To many spectators, the sun undulates or pulsates slightly. Why is this so? The sun is nearly the same luminance as the grayish clouds. Notice how the sun nearly disappears if you remove the color.
The sun is perceived differently is different parts of our mind. To the more primitive subdivisions of our brain, the sun is nearly invisible. But to the primate subdivision, the sun appears normal. Thus, there is an inconsistency between our perception of the sun in the primitive and primate portions of our brain.

Mergeti la link pentru o explicatie interactiva.

Sursa: http://www.webexhibits.org/colorart/monet.html

Canon papercraft models

Canon (da acel Canon) ofera o serie de modele de papercraft gratis. Acestea se downloadeaza ca PDF, se tipares pe hartie, se taie cu cutterul si se asambleaza in forme 3D. Ca o macheta.

Sursa: http://cp.c-ij.com/en/contents/1006/

vineri, mai 29, 2009

Campanie Sony-Ericsson Satio - telefon cu 12 Megapixeli

A fost odata ca niciodata Sony Ericsson care vroia sa promoveze noul telefon cu o camera de 12 Megapixeli. La alte telefoane facusera reclame cu tehnica, imagini speciale si orgii de graphic design. Totusi de data asta le trebuia ceva mai eficient. Asa ca au decis ei sa faca toate materialele promotionale pozand cu telefonul. In fond vroiau sa evidentieze functiile nu telefonul. Si asa au facut...

Ah si e si o gagica cam dezbracata in toate pozele... that never hurts.


joi, mai 28, 2009

Twitter me this

(click pt fullsize)
Serviciile publice si populatia mai aproape prin metodele de comunicare moderne

miercuri, mai 27, 2009

Police investigation

Read this

Click pt fullsize

Filme pentru...


Recunosc ca am vazut filmul cand eram mic...

Gripa porcina H1N1 in Romania

(negru - morti, rosu - infectati, portocaliu - suspect)
Virusul A (H1N1) a fost identificat la o persoană din Bucureşti. Este vorba de o femeie de 30 de ani care s-a întors pe 23 mai de la New York şi a fost internată la Institutul Matei Balş. Se pare că femeia a intrat deja în contact cu aproximativ 40 de persoane.


Party like it's 2009!

(intre rosu 500+ cazuri si roz bombon 1-5 cazuri)

marți, mai 26, 2009

The black hole

Meet the Spy

Cu noul update TF2 a venit si un nou video

luni, mai 25, 2009

Cat valoreaza identitatea ta

cybercrime experts Steve Santorelli and Levi Gundert introduced me to a sprawling criminal underworld so large and pervasive that no one can control it.

This underworld is surprisingly easy to access. It consists of a network of online chatrooms and web forums where stolen information is openly traded, along with off-the-shelf software tools needed to pull off just about every kind of online scam going. "This is an economy that is worth billions of dollars," says Dean Turner of the security company Symantec in Calgary, Canada. "It's highly organised. Everything that criminals need is available for sale."

It was not always like this. In the early days, criminal hacking required advanced technical skills. But organised crime has moved in and the black market has become a service economy where anybody can buy a career in cybercrime.

As soon as Santorelli and Gundert log me onto a chatroom, messages start to appear.

: I got fresh hacked UK cvv2's


duminică, mai 24, 2009

sâmbătă, mai 23, 2009

vineri, mai 22, 2009

Sare si Piper

The spice is power ;)


Suveniruri si cu Bucuresti

La Carturesti au aparut acum tricouri suvenir cu Bucuresti. Ce parere aveti?

Blossoming Flower

greek firm petra architects have designed 'blossoming dubai' for their proposal for
the zaabeel park tall emblem structure competition.

they based their design on the form of a blossoming flower. the tower is equipped
with two elevators running on spiral rails (spiral of the most simple geometry turning
135 degrees while ascending 138 meters). these lifts ascend from lower ground floor
(where the visitors enter) to the cafeteria level and the viewing platform above.
apart from the previously mentioned elevators that can cover all visitor access
(including disabled access), there are also two staircases fitted in the spiraling elements
of the building. the latter can be used on an emergency case.

Oh da... deabia astept sa vad cum se comporta la un incendiu
Adevarul e ca e din cele mai decente propuneri de la concursul asta.


Kinetic Typography

Bohemian Rhapsody - Kinetic Type Project from Alan Ayers on Vimeo.

"Kinetic Typography" say "Tipografie cinetica" este interpretare inedita a sunetului in era multimedia si a videoului liber. In loc sa spui povestea doar prin sunet sau doar prin text poti sa le combini si sa stabilesti o relatie dinamica intre ele.

Galerie: http://buildinternet.com/2009/04/design-in-motion-kinetic-typography-music-videos/

Worst Job Ever

Razboiul etern

Chiar daca fiecare are un cola preferat tot le consideram interschimbabile ca si consumatori. La nivelul companiilor este un adevarat razboi. Galeria minunata prezinta razboiul Pepsi vs Coca Cola in reclame si campanii.

Galerie: http://10steps.sg/articles/advertising-wars-pepsi-vs-coca-cola/

Poarta posedata


Nu poate fi embedded.

Ce ma amuza pe mine este ca incepe si se termina brusc. La sfarsit se intoarce in pozitia initiala like nothing ever happened.

miercuri, mai 20, 2009

Covorul in spatiu

Scene faimoase cu voci emotionale

Antivirus Klingonian

Scan your PC for viruses, spyware, adware, Tribbles and zero-day threats

Now even Klingon speakers can scan their computers for security threats.

Use Sophos's Klingon Anti-Virus to quickly perform an on-demand scan and find viruses, spyware, adware, zero-day threats, Betazoid sub-ether porn diallers and Tribbles that your existing protection might have missed. The software can be run without deactivating your current anti-virus software. Phasers can be left set to stun.

Da este un produse real. Da este disponibil si in engleza.


luni, mai 18, 2009

Mass effect 2

vineri, mai 15, 2009

Polaroid cu Hugh Laurie

In aceeasi tema cu Nipple


Sculpturi din cauciucuri




Cu Hugh Laurie. Videoul nu poate fi embedded.

joi, mai 14, 2009

Font conference

Conferinta de presa Scoala Alba

Fatade peste fatade

new york based asymptote architecture is nearing completion of their yas hotel project,
in abu dhabi, uae. the yas hotel is a 500-room, 85,000-square-meter complex which is
due to open on october 30, 2009 to coincide with the formula 1 etihad airways,
abu dhabi grand prix.
the main feature of the project's design is a 217-meter expanse of sweeping, curvilinear
forms constructed of steel and 5,800 pivoting diamond-shaped glass panels.

Nu pot sa ma gandesc decat cat o sa se umple de praf chestia aia. Mi s-a blocat hamsterul.


Vodafone elimina costurile de roaming

De la 1 iunie Vodafone va elimina costurile de roaming in toate tarile in care opereaza. Astfel daca calatoriti in strainatate si acolo exista tot o retea vodafone costurile de voce si text for fi aceleasi ca si in tara. Costurile de date vor fi in continuare taxate suplimentar in roaming.


Casele de lux antebelice ale rusilor

Inainte ca rusii sa reprezinte arhetipul bogatasului snob care nu stie decat sa copieze prost ce vede prin reviste si inainte de glorioasa epoca rosie (la care incearca sa se intoarca) nobilii rusi aveau propriul stil. Isi pastrau identitatea culturala la toate nivelurile si asta se reflecta si in casele lor. In ciuda tehnologiei de constructii din caramida de la acea vreme rusii preferau sa isi construiasca casele din lemn si sa adopte un stil arhitectural unic. Chiar daca nu va place este interesant.

Sursa si galerie: http://englishrussia.com/?p=1872

Sankt Petersburg atunci si acum

O serie de fotografii facute in Sankt Petersburg si apoi intersectate cu cele istorice din timpul asediului din al doilea razboi mondial

Sursa: http://englishrussia.com/?p=2720

miercuri, mai 13, 2009

Paper Art by Free University of Bozen

Sursa: http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/8/view/6375/paper-art-by-free-university-of-bozen.html

This is Ferrari land

Advertising pentru universitati

Clever advertising campaign for Panamericana School of Art and Design encourages people everywhere to test their creativity.

The objective is to draw as many things as possible that originate from X’s or O’s. How far does your creativity go?


Statii de transport in comun


In afara de cea de la Obor nu cred ca exista in Bucuresti vreo statie interesanta.

Protects you from the sun

Nu pot sa nu ma gandesc decat ca o sa cada la un moment dat.

luni, mai 11, 2009

duminică, mai 10, 2009

Vor sa scoata sigla ministerului de pe diplome

"Putem sa scoatem sigla Ministerului Educatiei, Cercetarii si Inovarii de pe toate diplomele pe care astazi invatamantul superior le elibereaza. Scoatem sigla si universitatea iti asuma integral responsabilitatea pentru diploma pe care o da.

In aceste conditii universitatile private ajung la acelasi nivel cu cele de stat. Incantator nu?

Sursa: http://www.ziare.com/Andronescu_vrea_sa_scoata_sigla_ministerului_de_pe_diplome-746618.html

What goes around...

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Nu-mi e prea clar pentru ce e exact reclama

joi, mai 07, 2009

Scandal la Eiffel tower competition

recently 'phyte', a 380m mobile tower was announced as the winner of a competition held by
the fondation societe tour eiffel. however the designer nicolas mouret was later stripped
of his prize because he is not officially an architect.

'gus eiffel, who was an engineer and not an architect, must have flipped over in his grave. but even he couldn't change the rules of the competition that carries his name.'

Nicolas Mouret e impacat dar voi ce parere aveti? Nu ar trebui sa isi pastreze premiul?


Modern day rockstars - Intel

Raportul anual personal

Un raport anual exhaustiv facut de un artist care vrea sa ne arate cum isi desfasoara viata de zi cu zi. Grafica folosita este si ea foarte interesanta. Fiecare statistica are un mod interesant de vizualizare.


Galerie Pixel Art

Probabil ati mai vazut pixel art dar nu cred ca atat de mult pixel art bun intr-un singur loc

Galerie: http://10steps.sg/artworks/pixel-art-mania1/

miercuri, mai 06, 2009

marți, mai 05, 2009

Making Benjamin

Scanare tomografica a obiectelor cunoscute

Satre Stuelke seems to have three passions: McDonald's fast food, toys, and gadgets—specially the GE 4-slice medical research scanner he uses to create these stunning images and videos at Cornell University's Biomedical Imaging Centre.


Castigatorul HD video cu SLR

Panasonic Lumix GH1. First footage from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

(evident apasati pe HD cand dati play)

Kauai sunset: Lumix GH1 slow motion from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

Mai bun ca Nikon D90, sau Canon 5D Mark II.

luni, mai 04, 2009

Reverse vending machine

The pitch: these boxes, fashioned like regular ol' vending machines, will eat, clean and smush your recyclable empties, rewarding you for your good deed with coupons, cash credit or vouchers for nearby stores. Your good deed, of course, was that you a) recycled a plastic bottle and b) watched a targeted advertisement on the machine's LCD screen. As of last week, they've been deployed in a few locations in Envirobank's native Australia, but only on a trial basis.

Ma intreb cat de bine ar merge la noi asa ceva.


duminică, mai 03, 2009

Cum sa contstruiesti o casa


Accidental am descoperit acest jurnal de constructie. Se pare ca omul a documentat majoritatea constructiei cu probleme cu tot. Chiar acum vad ca incepe sa aiba probleme cu finisajele.

sâmbătă, mai 02, 2009

Human substitute

University as we know it

The dirty secret of higher education is that without underpaid graduate students to help in laboratories and with teaching, universities couldn’t conduct research or even instruct their growing undergraduate populations. That’s one of the main reasons we still encourage people to enroll in doctoral programs. It is simply cheaper to provide graduate students with modest stipends and adjuncts than it is to hire full-time professors.

In other words, young people enroll in graduate programs, work hard for subsistence pay and assume huge debt burdens, all because of the illusory promise of faculty appointments. But their economical presence, coupled with the intransigence of tenure, ensures that there will always be too many candidates for too few openings.


vineri, mai 01, 2009

Breathing earth

CO2 emissions, birth rate & death rate simulation


Thanks Dave!

Evolutia caselor

on Vimeo.

Tango cu un leu de mare

Simply Connected

Am gasit un program care permite accesarea calculatorului de oriunde. Spre deosebire de functia din windows care face asta pentru LogMeIn nu trebuie sa cunosti adresa IP. Multi oameni il folosesc ca masura antifurt. Daca laptopul e furat il gasesc cand se conecteaza la net si gasesc si hotul.

LogMeIn Free gives you fast, easy remote access to your PC
from any computer with an Internet connection
Pagina programului