vineri, aprilie 27, 2012

Patterns of Nature

Patterns of Nature by Sosolimited Facut cu ecrane LCD

duminică, aprilie 22, 2012

vineri, aprilie 20, 2012

Turnarea in bronz a unui bust de la A la Z

Copiuta pentru conversia rapida a monedelor straine

Am facut un spreadsheet dinamic de conversie valutara care include majoritatea monedelor europene plus dolarul american si renmnibi yuanul chinezesc.

Cum functioneaza? E simplu. Cand vreti sa plecati in alta tara deschideti acest spreadsheet si selectati pagina corespunzatoare monedei locale. Paginile sunt in partea de jos a ecranului.
La accesare tabelul va fi calculat la cursul zilei. Puteti de acolo sa o tipariti sau sa o copiati pe mobil si cand vreti sa faceti un schimb valutar foaia poate fi folosita ca si copiuta. Este mult mai usor sa va uitati pe copiuta cat inseamna 81 de leva bulgaresti decat sa faceti calculul in magazin.

Include si o pagina pentru cei care vin in Romania si vor sa transforme RON in EUR si USD (pagina 4 RON-USD-EUR).

Daca lipseste vreo moneda esentiala drop me a comment.


marți, aprilie 17, 2012

Offline mobile translation on Windows phones

Asta e un feature pentru care as trece la Windows Phone. Este incredibil ca in ziua de azi asa ceva nu se gaseste in toate mobilele inteligente

sâmbătă, aprilie 14, 2012

Life Edited - small apartment challenge

An impressive collaboration between living-with-less blog, LifeEdited, and space-saving furnishing dealer, Resource Furniture, the LifeEdited Apartment is nearing completion. The goal: to fit 650 square feet of utility in just 420 square feet, including a living room drop-down home theater with hidden projector, and a standing/sitting work station. Preview video below...

The original challenge was a crowd sourced competition with the following parameters:

A design based on Graham Hill's 420 sf (~39 m2) apartment. The design should support the life of a real person in the apartment - someone who would work, eat, live, and entertain. We were looking for apartment designs that allowed for:
a sit-down dinner for 12 people
a comfortable lounging option for 8 people
space for 2 guests with some visual and ideally auditory privacy
a home office
a work area with space for a rolling tool chest
a hideable kitchen

Designerii sunt clar romani. Ii cunoaste cineva?

Tot articolul:

vineri, aprilie 13, 2012

joi, aprilie 12, 2012

Mutation furniture: maarten de ceulaer

belgium-based designer maarten de ceulaer presents his 'mutation series' at this year's milan design week 2012.
the pieces resemble the organic transformation of cells that have grown out of scale due to a virus or nuclear reaction.
de ceulaer is taking an experimental review of classical furniture upholstery, as each item is created by carefully composing patterns with cut-offs of
foam spheres of various sizes, which are then applied to the structure. the entire object is then coated with durable rubber mirroring a tactile velvet-like finish,
making each design completely different and unique. the prototypes range in size from small ottomans and stools to large sofas and over-sized chairs.

Tot articolul si galerie:

vineri, aprilie 06, 2012

Shaolin Bucovina

S-ar fi potrivit si mai bine ca reclama pt tuica/palinca

Tapet seismic

Seismic wallpaper: