miercuri, august 24, 2011

luni, august 22, 2011

Science is the engine of prosperity

Dr. Michio Kaku explica de ce educatia este foarte importanta si cum stau lucrurile acum la nivel mondial. Concluzia socanata este ca 50% din masteranzii si doctoranzii din America sunt straini iar la nivelul stiintelor exacte acest procent se apropie de 100%.

The Placebo Effect

Ati avut vreo experienta cu efectul placebo?

sâmbătă, august 20, 2011

Blestemul aurului romanesc

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Toti romanii au obligatia sa vizioneze acest reportaj.

vineri, august 19, 2011

Coldships - short story

It was a shock to learn how short their life spans were but not surprising considering how much naked energy they threw off. We do not know how long we live because none of us have ever died, only changed form.

They called themselves Humans. They are beings of fire. They burn so hot. They seemed to be made of pure radiant heat. They seemed impossible. They had special suits to survive in our environment. Those suits protected us, encasing their boiling energy. They called our environment a ‘vacuum’ and spoke of an ‘atmosphere’ where they lived.

Toata povestea: http://365tomorrows.com/08/18/coldships/

joi, august 18, 2011

Bionic Limbs and future research

Sariti la 8:30 pentru impresionanta parte demonstrativa.

duminică, august 14, 2011

miercuri, august 10, 2011

marți, august 09, 2011

luni, august 08, 2011

Al doilea razboi mondial in culori

Mi se pare ca au o doza de realism rar intalnita in fotografiile istorice.

Toata galeria WW2 : http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2011/08/world-war-ii-the-american-home-front-in-color/100122/

joi, august 04, 2011

Move, Learn, Eat - Calatorie in jurul lumii

MOVE from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

LEARN from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

EAT from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries, 18 flights, 38 thousand miles, an exploding volcano, 2 cameras and almost a terabyte of footage... all to turn 3 ambitious linear concepts based on movement, learning and food ....into 3 beautiful and hopefully compelling short films.....

= a trip of a lifetime.

Rick Mereki : Director, producer, additional camera and editing
Tim White : DOP, producer, primary editing, sound
Andrew Lees : Actor, mover, groover

All Music composed and performed by Kelsey James
Music Recorded and mixed by Jake Phillips

Colour Grade : Edel Rafferty and Roslyn Di sisto
Online Edit : Peter Mirecki

Assistance in titles and production design : Lee Gingold, Jason Milden, Rohan Newman

miercuri, august 03, 2011

The sixth sense - Through The Wormhole

Cu Morgan Freeman

Part 1 Blindsight:

Part 2 Global consciousness and morphic fields:

Part 3 Quantum mechanics and temporal perception:

Part 4 :

Matt Damon si profesorii

luni, august 01, 2011

LEGO breakin

Thanks Didy!