luni, ianuarie 31, 2011

duminică, ianuarie 30, 2011

The cyborg bodybuilder

De la 3:00 puteti vedea cum se descurca in public.

vineri, ianuarie 28, 2011

joi, ianuarie 27, 2011

IBM - 100 years

Why do we sleep?

miercuri, ianuarie 26, 2011

Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote

Road Runner - Coyote Falls 2010 from Animation-HD on Vimeo.

Road Runner - Fur Of Flying from Animation-HD on Vimeo.

Am impresia ca nu sunt oficiale dar sunt grozave

Singapore - Disneyland with the Death Penalty

Was it Laurie Anderson who said that VR would never look real until they learned how to put some dirt in it? Singapore's airport, the Changi Airtropolis, seemed to possess no more resolution than some early VPL world. There was no dirt whatsoever; no muss, no furred fractal edge to things. Outside, the organic, florid as ever in the tropics, had been gardened into brilliant green, and all-too-perfect examples of itself. Only the clouds were feathered with chaos - weird columnar structures towering above the Strait of China.

The cab driver warned me about littering. He asked where I was from.

He asked if it was clean there. "Singapore very clean city." One of those annoying Japanese-style mechanical bells cut in as he exceeded the speed limit, just to remind us both that he was doing it. There seemed to be golf courses on either side of the freeway. . . .

"You come for golf?"





The overt goal of the national IT2000 initiative is a simple one: to sustain indefinitely, for a population of 2.8 million, annual increases in productivity of three to four percent.

IT, of course, is "information technology," and we can all be suitably impressed with Singapore's evident willingness to view such technology with the utmost seriousness. In terms of applied tech, they seem to have an awfully practical handle on what this stuff can do. The National Computer Board has designed an immigration system capable of checking foreign passports in 30 seconds, resident passports in fifteen. Singapore's streets are planted with sensor loops to register real-time traffic; the traffic lights are computer controlled, and the system adjusts itself constantly to optimize the situation, creating "green waves" whenever possible. A different sort of green wave will appear if a building's fire sensor calls for help; emergency vehicles are automatically green-lighted through to the source of the alarm. The physical operation of the city's port, constant and quite unthinkably complex, is managed by another system. A "smart-card" system is planned to manage billings for cars entering the Restricted Zone. (The Restricted Zone is that part of central Singapore which costs you something to enter with a private vehicle. Though I suspect that if, say, Portland were to try this, the signs would announce the "Clean Air Zone," or something similar.)

They're good at this stuff. Really good. But now they propose to become something else as well; a coherent city of information, its architecture planned from the ground up. And they expect that whole highways of data will flow into and through their city. Yet they also seem to expect that this won't affect them. And that baffles us, and perhaps it baffles the Singaporeans that it does.

Tot articolul:

marți, ianuarie 25, 2011

Dumitru Prunariu absent nemotivat

În ianuarie 2011, Prunariu a primit doar 30% din valoarea pensiei din decembrie 2010, pentru că statul i-a scos din acte cei trei ani de şedere în fosta URSS, perioadă în care s-a pregătit chiar pentru istoricul zbor în spaţiu.

"Pe vremea lui Ceauşescu era un banc cu mine. Zice că atunci când m-am întors din cosmos aş fi fost întrebat: Prunariu, cum considerăm zilele acelea de stat în cosmos? Zile libere sau concediu fără plată? Ei bine, acum... Nu s-a găsit exact perioada din care am intrat în aviaţia miliară până când m-am întors în pregătire, timp de trei ani de zile, din orăşelul stelar", a povestit Prunariu.

Tot articolul:

joi, ianuarie 20, 2011

marți, ianuarie 18, 2011

luni, ianuarie 17, 2011

marți, ianuarie 11, 2011

Impossible nail through wood

cu o melodie de propaganda inclusa

luni, ianuarie 10, 2011

duminică, ianuarie 09, 2011

vineri, ianuarie 07, 2011

joi, ianuarie 06, 2011

Dimineata in lume

Kick back, relax, mutati pe HD, fullscreen.

Da vor fi si momente de "am fost acolo" :)

Android 3.0 - Honeycomb

miercuri, ianuarie 05, 2011

The homeless man with the golden radio voice

Intai a fost acest video:

Internetul a luat foc si:


LePad - laptop tablet hybrid

Ideea este ca tableta are o baterie si un hard propriu iar baza mai are o baterie si un hard suplimentar plus tastatura si porturi suplimentare. Totul ruleaza Android. Am auzit zvonuri ca Asus ar lansa ceva similar numai ca baza pe Windows 7 core i7. Ambele sunt variante mult mai interesante si utile decat iPadul.

Mai multe:

duminică, ianuarie 02, 2011

How lights are tested

A tour through a center that tests CFLs, LEDs, and human health...
