luni, mai 31, 2010


duminică, mai 30, 2010

joi, mai 27, 2010

Spot TIFF 2010

Ati vazut cele din alti ani acum a fost lansat cel pentru 2010.

marți, mai 25, 2010

5 emotions

(click pt mai mare)
250 men and women asked to draw how several emotions felt in their bodies. These are the combined results.


duminică, mai 23, 2010

Kung Fu Bear

Mark Twain autobiography to be released after 100 years

Exactly a century after rumours of his death turned out to be entirely accurate, one of Mark Twain's dying wishes is at last coming true: an extensive, outspoken and revelatory autobiography which he devoted the last decade of his life to writing is finally going to be published.

The creator of Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn and some of the most frequently misquoted catchphrases in the English language left behind 5,000 unedited pages of memoirs when he died in 1910, together with handwritten notes saying that he did not want them to hit bookshops for at least a century.

That milestone has now been reached, and in November the University of California, Berkeley, where the manuscript is in a vault, will release the first volume of Mark Twain's autobiography. The eventual trilogy will run to half a million words, and shed new light on the quintessentially American novelist.

Tot articolul:

vineri, mai 21, 2010

marți, mai 18, 2010

ENVISION : Step into the sensory box - digital art show

ENVISION : Step into the sensory box from SUPERBIEN on Vimeo.

ENVISION : Step into the sensory box. Sous ce nom se cache l'expérience immersive offerte par ALCATEL-LUCENT à ses clients lors du dernier Mobile World Congress. Une expérience à base de vidéo mapping conçue par l'agence SUPERBIEN et le département New Media de l'Agence \Auditoire. Le public était invité à entrer dans un cube et à découvrir une vision artistique de la tagline de l'événement : Transforming the mobile experience.

luni, mai 17, 2010

How differential gears work

Avand in vedere ca se investesc sute de mii de euro in proiectoare si sali de "clasa digitale" ar trebui sa fie regandite orele sa include asemenea materiale. Spun "sa includa" pentru ca tendinta este de a inlocui orele cu prezentari video de acest gen pe sistemul "planteaza copilul in fata TVului si hai la o cafea".
Ahem am promis ca nu pun comentarii multe pe Gilotopia asa ca ma opresc aici.

Inca 3 pavilioane de la World Expo 2010 Shanghai





*insert bad comment despre marul ala nenorocit*

sâmbătă, mai 15, 2010

Man as a machine

Aceasta reprezentare a fost facuta de Dr. Fritz Kahn intre 1920 si 1930.

Ca si imagine:

(click pt mai mare)

joi, mai 13, 2010

Coffee Shop Addictions at home

Yes I am ruining your diet.

Articol cu retete:

Pavilionul Norvegiei de la Shanghai

Oh nu se poate! Arhitectura traditionala si moderna contopita!

Mai multe:

Tesla despre internet si mobile

It turns out that the legendary inventor and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla (1856 to 1943) predicted mobile phones in 1909. In an interview with the New York Times (pictured below), published in Popular Mechanics, Tesla states that "It will soon be possible, for instance, for a business man in New York to dictate instructions and have them appear in type in London or elsewhere. He will be able to call from his desk and talk with any telephone subscriber in the world. It will only be necessary to carry an inexpensive instrument no bigger than a watch, which will enable its bearer to hear anywhere on sea or land for distances of thousands of miles." Read the full Popular Mechanics article from 1909 .

miercuri, mai 12, 2010

Cat de bogat esti?

Credeati ca stam mai jos? Nu degeaba sportul nostru national e vaitatul.

Thanks Cristi!

How to teach a photographer

O foca incearca sa invete un fotograf cum sa vaneze.

duminică, mai 09, 2010

The Girl who's frozen in time

ATENTIE: Este un pic disturbing

vineri, mai 07, 2010

Kanellos the Greek protest dog

A dog that has been seen at nearly every demonstration in Athens over the last two years has turned up again during the recent protests against new austerity measures

Galerie completa:

Paginile lui de Facebook:

miercuri, mai 05, 2010

Metropotam Live Travel

Sunt o serie de livebloguri facute in timpul calatoriilor. Cel mai interesant mi se pare Georgia. Avand in vedere ca vedem atat de putine despre aceasta tara este surprinzator sa vezi cat de similara e cu Romania.

marți, mai 04, 2010

US oil spill

Pata de petrol este una din cele mai mari din istoria accidentelor petroliere.

Nokia N8 videouri de promovare


Beyond Cylons and Warp Drive: Phenomenal Sci-Fi Concept Art

Galerie completa:

Colors and Sex

Here are the color names most disproportionately popular among men:

I … that’s not my typo in #5—the only actual color in the list really is a misspelling of “beige”. This isn’t just the effect of a couple spammers. In fact, this is after the spamfilter.
