miercuri, decembrie 30, 2009


Se pare ca este mai usor sa faci greenscreening decat sa pui oamenii sa mearga pe afara.

Detroit in secolul 21

Orasul care a fost supranumit Parisul Americii.

Galerie completa: http://io9.com/5435724/the-grandiose-decay-of-abandoned-detroit/gallery/

marți, decembrie 29, 2009

A tiny home

96 sq feet= 8.92 mp

Model boat

Inspired by playing with model kits as a child, Michael Johansson decided to transform the real boat into a model of itself.

Sursa: http://www.toxel.com/tech/2009/12/22/life-size-model-kit-boat/


Articolul arata cum cartelul diamantelor controleaza pretul lor desi diamantele nu mai sunt rare in zilele noastre. "Nebunia" diamantelor este rezultatul unor campanii publicitare de peste 50 de ani care au urmarit stabilirea traditiei diamantelor in folclor. Chiar daca articolul e lung merita citite primele 4 pagini cel putin.

Tot articolul: http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/198202/diamond/ NB: Articolul e scris prin '87

Cifrele terorismului

duminică, decembrie 27, 2009

Bagaje vs Elefant

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Acum 40 de ani

(click pt mai mare)

Asa arata Kabul (Afganistan) acum 40 de ani. Intre timp razboiul prelungit si furtul au distrus toata vegetatia si terenul tarii. Mai exista doar 2% din copacii care existau acum 40 de ani din cauza traficului ilegal cu cherestea catre Pakistan.

sâmbătă, decembrie 26, 2009

joi, decembrie 24, 2009

miercuri, decembrie 23, 2009

The Honest $10000 SPAM

Inception - french trailer

Nu stiu de ce e in franceza. E un film american.

Praga iarna

Prague: Canon 1DMKIV from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

Acelasi care a filmat Skywalker ranch.

Mano a Emu

Most Daring - Mano a Emu - Watch more Funny Videos


Alma from Rodrigo Blaas on Vimeo.

marți, decembrie 22, 2009

Ce taxi e bun?

Am descoperit acest site care arata preturile, numerele de telefon si reviewurile multor companii de taxi din Romania. Sunt organizate pe orase deci este util si in afara Bucurestiului.

In fata guvernului

luni, decembrie 21, 2009

duminică, decembrie 20, 2009

Gorilla Portraits

Yesterday we went to the North Carolina Zoo, the third largest zoo in the U.S.A. We got there early in the day when the gorillas were just waking up.

I remembered something I learned in my primate social behavior class. I approached the glass with a submissive posture, looking down at the ground and backing up with my hand out.
The gorilla loved it. He had never seen a human act like a polite ape before. He came right up to the glass and posed for me while I did this half-hour portrait from just two feet away. It was like sketching someone on a subway. I tried to just glance at him discreetly out of the corner of my eye.

Tot articolul: http://gurneyjourney.blogspot.com/2008/03/gorilla-portraits.html

Panorame video

sâmbătă, decembrie 19, 2009

Alte ciudatenii deasupra Rusiei

The identity of the shape has not been confirmed. Russian reports ruled out a UFO but police refused to comment

Articol: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/ufo/6837200/UFO-pyramid-reported-over-Kremlin.html

Dupa evenimentele dubioase de acum cateva saptamani in care era implicata Rusia acum au loc alte evenimente ciudate. Rusii fac ceva... important.

joi, decembrie 17, 2009

autocompletely.com - wisdom of the hivemind

In caz ca nu stiati google sugereaza searchuri in functie de ce cauta alti oameni cel mai des. This is how I lose faith in humanity.

Recomand sa incercati la google.com:
romania is
why are romanian
why is romania
de ce

Mai multe: http://autocompletely.com/

Universul cunoscut

Fullscreen si HD obligatoriu

La soare te poti uita

No, these photographs weren't taken by an astrophysicist or whipped up in a special-effects lab. Photographer Larry Alvarez takes these pictures of the sun in his backyard using a camera, a telescope, and some homemade gear. With some tips from Alvarez, you can build your own solar telescope camera, too.

Galerie: http://io9.com/325082/solar-eruptions-captured-by-diy-astronomer

miercuri, decembrie 16, 2009

Biroul Zen

This is my workspace. I built the Shelf myself with a tray inset and planted some wheat grass for a nice color. The shelf is also light from beneath for a nice ambient glow at night. I love the dual monitor setup and mounted the 23" HD Cinema display with a VESA wall mount. I also built the desk from a door, attached it to the wall with a cleat and and attached two legs from EQ3. I'm still in school and have lots of group projects, so the large desk is perfect for two people. All in all I love having this workspace in my bedroom. Suggestions welcome. Let me know what you think!

Sursa: http://www.flickr.com/photos/43939148@N02/

Fotograf dedicat

This is the terrifying moment a British photographer cheated death as an out-of-control drag racing car careered towards him out of control.

Andy Willsheer kept snapping even as the 250mph car spun towards the crash barrier at Pomona Raceway in California.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1234929/Cheating-death-The-moment-British-photographer-narrowly-escapes-crushed-runaway-drag-race-car.html

marți, decembrie 15, 2009

luni, decembrie 14, 2009

A stroke of insight

Cumpara carti mai ieftine de pe Amazon

Above you see a (partial) screenshot for the first result if you search for harry potter and have selected the Netherlands as your country. For every result CheapRiver.com shows a table with the prices of the book in United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France and Canada.

The lowest prices are indicated with a green background. Here you see that the cheapest is to buy the Harry Potter Box set in the US to have it delivered to the Netherlands it only cost (on Dec 13 2009) 37.26€ while in the UK it'll cost you 51.03€, Germany 58.99€, France 63.77€ and in Canada this version of the Harry Potter Box is not available. So you see that the cheapest option is more than 40% cheaper than the most expensive one.

Adresa: http://www.cheapriver.com/

duminică, decembrie 13, 2009

Ai mai slabit un pic

(click pt mai mare - Usor scarbos)

Si credeam ca eu am slabit mult

Update! Am gasit sursa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDGHuuEn_FI
. Il cheama David Elmore Smith

Blur studios - acei oameni minunati si trailerele lor

Aici avem cel mai nou trailer cinematic Mass Effect 2.
V-ati intrebat cine face aceste trailere si secvente CGI din jocuri? Se pare ca e vorba de un singur studio: http://www.blur.com/

sâmbătă, decembrie 12, 2009

Old fashion advertising

Spiralele de pe cer

In ultimele zile au aparut pe cerul tarilor nordice niste spirale ciudate.

Varianta oficiala este ca prima a fost cauzata de un test esuat al unei rachete rusesti.
A mai fost una:

Sunt convins ca sunt niste teste dar chiar sa esueze doua rachete exact la fel? Ce motoare testeaza rusii?

Un moment de liniste

Skywalker Ranch from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

Filmat cu un Canon 5D si un Canon 7D.